. _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab111 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "SandSizeFraction02"@en . . "CaCO3_ca05"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab972 . "pHNaF (soil reaction) in 1:5 soil/NaF solution (0.01-1 M)" . . . . . "WRV1500" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab612 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab613 . . "Colorimetric, unspecified extract" . "CF" . "Code list for stickinessValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "Not known"@en . . "Oi_Ra" . . . . "EffCEC_calcul-b" . . . . . "VS"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab12 . "OrgC_dc-lt" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab366 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab367 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1201 . . . "pHNaF" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab97 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab98 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1110 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1111 . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 54" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab715 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab716 . "2" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab230 . . . . "Procedures for CarbonTotal - codelist class"@en . "OrgC_dc-ht-analyser"@en . . "Plaggen"@en . "FP" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab138 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab196 . . "FulAcidC_unkn" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1091 . . . "Prominent"@en . . . . "Compacted but non-cemented"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab469 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab470 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab552 . "RE" . . "UG" . . "Code list for VoidsDiameterValue - codelist class"@en . "Relates a concept to a concept that is more specific in meaning."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab797 . "alternative label"@en . "pHCaCl2 (soil reaction) in 1:2 soil/CaCl2 solution (0.01-1 M)" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1120 . "Code list for boundaryClassificationValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab181 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1140 . . "sticky to very sticky"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab390 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab391 . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . "D" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab250 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab251 . "FC" . "Tall grassland"@en . "Mass movement"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab741 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab596 . "5\u201320"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab81 . . . "5\u201315" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab271 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab272 . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for cationExchangeCapacitySoil."@en . "Code list for peatDrainageValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab539 . . . . . . . . . . . "gabbro"@en . "Total_tp04" . "Very few"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab246 . . "CaCO3_acid-hcl-nodc"@en . . . . "The layer is 50\u201390 percent cemented or compacted, and in general shows a regular appearance." . . . . "Code list for slopePathwaysValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab669 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab670 . . "volcanic ash"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 78" . . "OrgC_acid-dc"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab774 . "TotalN_dc-ht-leco"@en . . . "15\u201340" . . . . "Very young anthropogeomorphic"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab245 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab246 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab331 . "Exch bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) buffered at pH 7, in 1M NH4OAc, Ca and Mg with AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometry)" . "skos:relatedMatch is used to state an associative mapping link between two conceptual resources in different concept schemes."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab263 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab66 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1203 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1204 . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Code list for erosionActivityPeriodValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab979 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab980 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab754 . "\u2013 > 500 \u2013" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab920 . . "is in mapping relation with"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab706 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab707 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab96 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab95 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for fragmentsClass."@en . "Sugar cane"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Lentils"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1177 . "A" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab292 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab293 . . "1" . . . . "OrgC_acid-dc-lt-loi" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab14 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab15 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab28 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab29 . . "This code list provides the PhysioChemicalProperty."@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab783 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab158 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab648 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab649 . "C" . "Zin" . . . "Many"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab489 . . . . "BR" . . "BU" . . "Moderate to strong"@en . . "An alternative lexical label for a resource."@en . "2-15(%)"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab990 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab991 . . "Nelson, D.W., and L.E. Sommers. 1982. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. p. 539-579. In A.L. Page (ed.), 1983. Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. 2nd ed. Agron. Monogr. 9. ASA and SSSA, Madison, WI." . "Code list for GypsumFormsValue - codelist class"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab45 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab365 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab366 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab836 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab85 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "BlkDensF_fe-co-unkn" . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-disp-beaker"@en . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-64-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-beaker" . "Potext" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab31 . "CSF1" . . . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . . . . "pH - Hydrogen potential"@en . . . "VMC_d"@en . . . "Code list for LithologyValue - codelist class"@en . "Oilcrops"@en . "Common"@en . . "has member list"@en . . . "Concept"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 67" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab364 . "Clay"@en . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab735 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab736 . "hard cemented layer or layers of gypsum (less than 10 cm thick)"@en . . . . . . "Fine"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab414 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab415 . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for saltThickness."@en . . . . . . . "F" . . "Wet oxidation according to USDA-NRCS method 6A1c with acid dichromate digestion, FeSO4 titration, automatic titrator" . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 23" . "B" . . "Non-gypsiric"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab910 . . . . "No wire is formable." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab991 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab657 . "ExchAcid_ph0-kcl1m" . "Extr_dtpa"@en . "rain"@en . . "Ksat_dblring" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab562 . . "Code list for weatheringValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1028 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1029 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab424 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab425 . . . "Very few"@en . "DU" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Medium gravel"@en . . . "Impact crater"@en . "Very steep"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1199 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1200 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab713 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab714 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab639 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for rootsAbundance."@en . "Moderately cemented"@en . . . "Alupyr" . . "E" . . "Code list for electricalConductivity analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab229 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab230 . "Total-S, using LECO furnace, minus easily soluble MgSO4 and Na2SO4" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab437 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab438 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 38" . "Discontinuous"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab341 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab342 . "This code list provides the RockAbundanceValue."@en . . . . "10\u201325"@en . "PL" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab345 . "V" . . . . . . . . "0" . . . . "slate, phyllite (pelitic rocks)"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1130 . . "Code list for fragmentsSizeValue - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab303 . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab459 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab37 . "organic"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1175 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1176 . . . "UU2" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab786 . "10" . . "2\u20135" . "LO" . "BOdl" . "If soil description is done without sampling." . "0\u20132 1 > 50" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab516 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "BlkDensW_we-co-fc"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab548 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab549 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1169 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1170 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab776 . "MI" . "WC2" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab691 . "OrgC_wc-cro3-jackso"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab374 . . "heavier rain for some days or rainstorm in the last 24 hours"@en . . . . . "Code list for CementationDegreeValue - codelist class"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab517 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab518 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab606 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab607 . . . . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab922 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for BulkDensityFineEarth."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab976 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab977 . "40%\u201380%" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab10 . . "OrgC_wc-cro3-nelson" . . "Procedures for ExtractableElements - codelist class"@en . . . . "Medium gravel"@en . . . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab535 . "Code list for mineralConcNatureValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1027 . . . "sand"@en . "Silt coatings"@en . "Manoxa" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab822 . . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for saltCover."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab746 . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-20-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-pipette" . "sloping land "@en . _:ub1bL12C17 . . "Code list for CementationContinuityValue - codelist class"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab498 . "pHNaF (soil reaction) in 1:2.5 soil/NaF solution (0.01-1 M)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1145 . . . . . "Strongly salty"@en . . "Wet oxidation according to Tiurin with K-dichromate" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab312 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 23" . "Very sticky"@en . . . . "HCl extraction. Particularly used for Total P." . "Code list for slopeFormValue - codelist scheme"@en . "CU" . "V" . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-disp"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab660 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab661 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-20-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-hydrometer-Bouyoucos" . . . "fine and medium"@en . "soft concretions"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 22,2" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab787 . "Soil augering description "@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab651 . "Carbon (C) - total"@en . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 2" . "N" . "Code list for floodDurationValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . "CEC unbuffered at pH of the soil, in 1 M NH4-acetate (NH4OAc) exchange solution (0.25-1.0 M)" . . . "N" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for erosionDegree."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1203 . "CaSO4_gy01" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1056 . "OrgM_calcul-oc1.73" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab163 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab164 . "Semi-deciduous dwarf shrub"@en . "Weak to moderate"@en . . "X" . "Thin"@en . "Surface compaction"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for coatingForm."@en . . . "Code list for porosityClassValue - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab253 . . "2\u20136" . . . . . "Soybeans"@en . "DT" . "Ro_Ya" . "Ot_Sc" . "OrgC_wc-cro3-kurmies"@en . . "LP" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab280 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab281 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab362 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab723 . . . "IB2" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab290 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab476 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab509 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab510 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab622 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab565 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab997 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab998 . . . "Maize"@en . "Code list for CoatingFormValue - codelist class"@en . . "Extreme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1179 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1180 . "CC"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1126 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab493 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab494 . "This code list provides the SurfaceAgeValue."@en . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-20-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-spectrally measured and convertd to sand, silt or clay" . "Code list for bulkDensityWholeSoil analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "VE" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab932 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab933 . "Compacted mass is appreciably harder or more brittle than other comparable soil mass (slakes in water)." . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . "CS" . . . . . . "Plant available water holding capacity of the soil fine earth fraction, calculated with field capacity defined at 100 cm (pF 2.0)" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Aluminium (Al) - oxalate extractable"@en . . . "SO3" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab343 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab362 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab363 . "Total_tp06" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab956 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab350 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab351 . . "White"@en . "fluvial"@en . . "BSat_calcul-cec" . . . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 80" . . "SiltSizeFractionTotal"@en . "2\u20135" . . . . "Potassium (K+) - exchangeable"@en . . "Saturated and not saturated hydraulic conductivity." . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab99 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab100 . "Code list for WaterRetentionProperty - codelist class"@en . "pHH2O_ratio1-5"@en . "Exch acidity (H+Al) buffered at pH 7, in 1M Ca-acetate extract" . "Deposition by water"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab839 . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-50-2000um)-no dispersion-laser" . . . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 39" . . "Active at present"@en . "tuff, tuffite"@en . . "Whole earth. Clod samples (natural clods), at oven dry, not corrected for coarse fragments if any" . "V" . "This code list provides the ErosionActivityPeriodValue."@en . . "Iron (Fe) - dithionite extractable"@en . . . "Code list for CementationFabricValue - codelist class"@en . . . "This code list provides the PhysiographyValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab353 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab514 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab243 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab244 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1006 . "This code list provides the CarbonatesContentValue."@en . "Sul" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1041 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1042 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1067 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1068 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab915 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab916 . "CEC at unknown buffer, in 0.5 M Li-acetate exchange solution" . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-nodisp-hydrometer"@en . "NK" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 8" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab222 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab223 . . "vYa" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab778 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab779 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1113 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1114 . "Code list for totalCarbonateEquivalent analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab96 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab97 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab601 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab943 . "If soil description is done without sampling." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab518 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab519 . "SC4" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab849 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab850 . "This module contains all the code lists of observable properties and results codes."@en . "Strongly sloping"@en . "Method of Scheibler (volumetric)" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1186 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: 22,1" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab626 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab627 . . "Code list for coarseFragments analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab566 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab567 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab88 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab89 . . . "F" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab393 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab394 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab266 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab267 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab400 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab378 . . . . "Code list for LandformComplexValue - codelist class"@en . "TotalN_dc-ht-dumas" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1158 . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for floodDuration."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab21 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab643 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab771 . . "Bassum" . . . . . "fine and very fine"@en . . . "FE" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab673 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab674 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab549 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab550 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 58" . "OrgC_dc-ht"@en . "CEC_ph0-kcl"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab258 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 17" . . . . "Dissolution of carbonates by Sulfuric acid [H2SO4], no external (no dry combustion)" . . "This code list provides the MineralConcKindValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab420 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab100 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for stickiness."@en . . . . "TotalN_kjeldahl-nh4"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab341 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab258 . "UF2" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab457 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab57 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab58 . _:ub1bL15C9 "Bogusz Janiak" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1033 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1034 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab105 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab106 . "BlkDensW_we-unkn" . . "O" . . "Transport"@en . . . "Code list for contrastValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab2 . . "UC1" . "S" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab473 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab474 . "D" . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for availableWaterHoldingCapacity."@en . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . "AM" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab441 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab907 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab908 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab799 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab800 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab328 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab329 . . . . . "Undisturbed samples" . . . "Exch (extractable / potential) acidity (Al) buffered at pH 8.0-8.5, in 1 M BaCl2 - TEA" . . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "Code list for textureUnconsolidatedValue - codelist scheme"@en . "VPL" . . "This code list provides the ConsistenceMoistValue."@en . "Slightly hard"@en . . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-20-2000um)-no dispersion-spectrally measured and convertd to sand, silt or clay" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab606 . . . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 75,2" . . . . "N" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1025 . "Loamy soils with high clay content, clayey soils. When dropped, sample disintegrates into few fragments, further disintegration of subfragments after application of mild pressure." . . "Evergreen dwarf shrub"@en . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab300 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab301 . . "Calculated by PTF" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab443 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab524 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab800 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab990 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab644 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab645 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab949 . . . "Active in historical times"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1151 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1152 . . . "CEC_ph7-unk"@en . "D" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1001 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1129 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1130 . . . . . "Unacidified. Dry combustion at medium temperature e.g. 840 C" . "I" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab676 . . "WRV100" . "0" . . "Method of Truog (dilute H2SO4). Particularly used for available P." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab561 . "UM1" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for saltContent."@en . "PL" . . . . "Copper (Cu) - extractable"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab290 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab291 . "ManKCl" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1021 . "pHH2O (soil reaction) in a soil/water solution" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1023 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab524 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab525 . . . "TotC_calcul-ic-oc"@en . "None"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab514 . . "Code list for VegetationClassValue - codelist class"@en . "Gypsum"@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1181 . "FGF1" . . . "OrgC_wc-cro3-tiurin" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab124 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab987 . . "Potassium (K) - total"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1068 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1069 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab587 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab588 . . "ExchBases_ph8-bacl2tea" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1192 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab537 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab538 . "Slightly salty"@en . . "C" . . . "PD" . "Shrub"@en . "0" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab86 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab87 . . "Code list for coatingFormValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1 . "60mm\u2013200mm" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab243 . . "Weak to moderate" . . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-disp-laser"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab553 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1070 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1071 . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab219 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab220 . "gneiss, migmatite"@en . . . . . "Very coarse"@en . "Spectrally measured and converted to pHH2O (soil reaction) in unknown soil/water solution" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab675 . "Stones"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab781 . "Prominent"@en . . . . "anthropogenic/technogenic"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab698 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab949 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab950 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab131 . . "skos:broaderTransitive is a transitive superproperty of skos:broader." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab76 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab366 . "F" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab791 . . "Abundant"@en . "This code list provides the RockSizeValue."@en . . "BD4" . . . . . . . . "Salt (saline)"@en . "A meaningful collection of concepts."@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 13" . "CSF2" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab272 . "Nittot" . "Extr_m3-spec"@en . "SV3" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab531 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab806 . . . . . . "This code list provides the StructureSizeValue."@en . . . . . "Method of Saunders and Metelerkamp (anion-exch. resin). Particularly used for available P." . "Late Pleistocene, periglacial"@en . . . "Cartot" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab996 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab997 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab602 . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-20-2000um)" . . . . . "Extr_m1"@en . "FO" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab231 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab482 . . "None"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab357 . . "C" . . "ExchBases_ph7-unkn" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab210 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab532 . . "Agropastoralism"@en . . "Code list for mineralConcHardnessValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1005 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1006 . "HE" . "40\u201380 5 < 2" . . "OrgC_wc-cro3-nelso"@en . . "Total_xrd" . . . . . . . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab68 . "CEC_ph7-edta" . "KQ" . "Dune-shaped"@en . "Grey"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1020 . "Narrower concepts are typically rendered as children in a concept hierarchy (tree)."@en . . . "5" . "2" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "OrgC_dc" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab401 . . . . "C" . . "Surface of coating shows only little contrast in colour, smoothness or any other property to the adjacent surface. Fine sand grains are readily apparent in the cutan. Lamellae are less than 2 mm thick." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab46 . . . . . "Code list for PhysiographyValue - codelist class"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab833 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1141 . "Discrete impregnated body still showing rock structure." . . "TotalN_h2so4"@en . . "H" . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab75 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab554 . "Code list for phosphorusRetention analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "Code list for biologicalAbundanceValue - codelist scheme"@en . "BD1" . . "S" . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-20-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-hydrometer" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab732 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab385 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab386 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1029 . . . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-disp-hydrometer-bouy" . "Code list for voidsDiameterValue - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab59 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab60 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 7" . "> 600mm" . "This code list provides the BulkDensityMineralValue."@en . . . "A" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab404 . . . "Low"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 11" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab889 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab486 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab487 . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-disp"@en . . . . . . "The range of skos:hiddenLabel is the class of RDF plain literals."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab16 . . "Natural clod" . "Procedures for HydraulicConductivity - codelist class"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab512 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab513 . "An ordered collection of concepts, where both the grouping and the ordering are meaningful."@en . . . . . "Present weather conditions (Schoeneberger et al., 2002)" . . "CC" . . _:ub1bL17C9 "Lu\u00EDs Moreira de Sousa" . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for moistureContent."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab986 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab987 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab395 . . . . . "BU" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab794 . "0.2cm\u20130.6cm" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab505 . "WRV10" . . "unspecified deposits"@en . "IA3" . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1025 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1026 . "This code list provides the ClayProperty."@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab611 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab612 . . "D2" . "Code list for rockSizeValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . ">80(%)"@en . "Code list for effectiveCec analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . "igneous rock"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab275 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab276 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab232 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab233 . . "amphibolite"@en . "Dissolution of carbonates by Sulfuric acid [H2SO4], external heat (dry combustion)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab146 . "> 10 1.1.000 > 50" . . "DU" . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab101 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab102 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab395 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab396 . "1" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab80 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab81 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab894 . "VV"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab297 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab298 . "Very plastic"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab696 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab697 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab43 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab44 . "5\u2013 < 8%"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab848 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab849 . "LFS" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab935 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab936 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab815 . . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-fld"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab91 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab92 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab608 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab609 . "0.5\u20132" . . "F" . "Slickensides, partly intersecting"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1107 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab195 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab196 . "pHCaCl2" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab620 . . "> 40" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab923 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab734 . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for gypsumForms."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1016 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1017 . "MS" . "CC" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1003 . . . "Plant available water holding capacity of the soil fine earth fraction, calculated with field capacity defined at 200 cm (pF 2.3)" . "Code list for lithologyValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-50-2000um)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab863 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab864 . . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-20-2000um)-fractions adjusted to sum up to 100%" . "H" . . "Tertiary land surfaces, commonly high planes, terraces or peneplains, except incised valleys, frequent occurrence of palaeosoils." . "CEC unbuffered at pH o the soil, in 0.5 M BaCl2 exchange solution ( M)" . "Manpyr" . . "Tea"@en . "M" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 56" . . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab394 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab395 . . . . . . . . . "5\u201310 50\u2013100 20\u201350" . "Sum of exchangeable bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) plus exchangeable acidity (H+Al), see ExchBases and ExchAcids for methods" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1127 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1128 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab387 . . "Fine gravel"@en . "Code list for RockAbundanceValue - codelist class"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab954 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab955 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab530 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1101 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1102 . "Fo_Ha" . "After pressure, soil material adheres to both thumb and finger and tends to stretch somewhat and pull apart rather than pulling free from either digit." . . "Cocoa"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab85 . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . "Code list for landUseClassValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "SiltWaterDispersibleFractionTotal"@en . . "BS" . "Broken"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 32" . "Code list for siltProperty - codelist scheme"@en . . . "CEC buffered at pH 8.0-8.5, in 1 M Na-acetate exchange solution" . . "Unacidified. Dry combustion at low temperature e.g. 500 C" . "Code list for structureGradeValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . . . . . "CaCO3_calcul-tc-oc" . . "Sultot" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab193 . . . . "Soil augerings do no permit a comprehensive soil profile description. Augerings are made for routine soil observation and identification in soil mapping, and for that purpose normally provide a satisfactory indication of the soil characteristics. Soil samples may be collected from augerings." . "VMC_ud-co" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab83 . . . . . . . . "Hydexc" . . "Iron (Fe) - oxalate extractable"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab490 . . . "PN2" . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-nodisp-hydrometer"@en . . "Deciduous forest"@en . . . "B" . . . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-50-2000um)-no dispersion-pipette" . "Code list for floodFrequencyValue - codelist scheme"@en . "OrgC_acid-dc-lt"@en . . . . . "Wind (aeolian) erosion or deposition"@en . "WaterRetentionVolumetric1500kPa"@en . . . . "Non-irrigated shrub crop cultivation"@en . . "pHKCl_ratio1-1"@en . "Borext" . "Extr_m2" . . . . . . . . "TotalN_calcul"@en . . . . "Code list for majorLandFormValue - codelist scheme"@en . "D" . . . . . . "ExchBases_ph7-nh4oac-aas" . . "Other land uses"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab504 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab505 . "S" . . . . . . "Very thick"@en . "Pressure-plate extraction, disturbed -clod- samples (wt%) * density" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab787 . . . "Code list for cementationContinuityValue - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab253 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab254 . . . "Xermomorphic dwarf shrub"@en . "Total_xrf-p" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab251 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab252 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab911 . "pHNaF_sat" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab323 . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-disp-hydrometer-bouy"@en . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 5" . "Abundant "@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab3 . . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab574 . . . "pHKCl_sat"@en . "Very fine artefacts"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab818 . "AF" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 19" . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for Gypsum."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab292 . . . "hard to very hard" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab465 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab466 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1016 . "Calculated sum of sand, silt and clay fractions" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab641 . . . . "MU" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab223 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab224 . . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-nodisp-hydrometer"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab876 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab877 . . . . "Clay\u2013sesquioxides"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab249 . . . "Sunflower"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "Former weather conditions (Ad-hoc-AG-Boden, 2005)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab492 . "Code list for carbonInorganic analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab867 . "SL" . "Pedfaces"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab667 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab668 . "Mica"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1124 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1125 . . . . "Code list for GypsumContentValue - codelist class"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab558 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab559 . . "SC5" . "Code list for slopeGradientClassValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1131 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1132 . "IU" . . "high-gradient valley"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab775 . "8\u201315" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab711 . . "A concept scheme may be defined to include concepts from different sources."@en . "Code list for vegetationClassValue - codelist scheme"@en . "TotalN_dc-spec" . . . . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab874 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab875 . . "Planes"@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab543 . "Position in undulating to mountainous terrain: Bottom (flat)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab391 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab33 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab34 . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 66" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab107 . "Clear felling"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1139 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1140 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab112 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab113 . "Ce_Ma" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab294 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1138 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1139 . . "Wildlife management"@en . "3" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1044 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab603 . . "Unacidified. Dry combustion or dry oxidation methods (without prior removal of carbonates)" . . "Sugar beets"@en . . "D5.2" . "Fine earth. Type of sample unknown, at field capacity (0.33 bar, 33 kPa, 330 cm, pF 2.5), corrected for coarse fragments if any" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for lithology."@en . . . "< 2 mm (number)50\u2013200 ;> 2 mm (number)5\u201320" . "CEC_ph7-nh4oac" . "has broader"@en . . . "CaCO3_acid-hcl-nodc" . . . . . . . "Extr_m3" . "clay, silt and loam"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab714 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab769 . . . "N" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab974 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab975 . _:ub1bL17C9 . "8 M HCl extraction. Particularly used for Total P." . "Zinc (Zn)"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1143 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1122 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1123 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for mottlesAbundance."@en . . . "SVS" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 30" . . "Ksat_bhole" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1115 . "groundwater-fed bog peat"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab380 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab381 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1159 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab849 . "BlkDensF_fe-cl-fc"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Phoret" . "This code list provides the VoidsDiameterValue."@en . . "FN1" . "Ploughing"@en . . . . . "Very coarse/thick"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab577 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab578 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab274 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab275 . "no rain in the last month"@en . "S" . . "Iron (Fe) - extractable"@en . . . . . . . "pyroclastic"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab559 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab560 . "Faint"@en . . "Many pores, moist materials drop easily out of the auger."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab579 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab580 . "Vegetables"@en . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab825 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab826 . . . . "lacustrine"@en . "Code list for PeatDrainageValue - codelist class"@en . "Very few"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab483 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab484 . . . . . . . . . "ClayWaterDispersible"@en . . "MN" . . . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-50-2000um)-no dispersion" . "OrgC_acid-dc-lt-loi"@en . "CaCO3_acid-unkn" . "CR" . . "WaterRetentionGravimetric"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for NitrogenTotal."@en . . . . "Code list for CropClassValue - codelist class"@en . . "Dominant"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1118 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1119 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab468 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab759 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab760 . "Extr_nahco3-olsen-dabi"@en . . "Code list for gypsumContentValue - codelist scheme"@en . "SP" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab405 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab602 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab603 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1076 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab328 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "GY" . "(green)schist"@en . "V" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1024 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1050 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab479 . "Surface < 2"@en . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-64-2000um)-no dispersion" . "Code list for OrganicMatterClassValue - codelist class"@en . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "loess"@en . . "Method of Wesemael" . "CEC_ph8-nh4oac"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab168 . . "Procedures for AvailableWaterHoldingCapacity - codelist class"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab192 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab193 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab454 . "ExchBases_ph7-nh4oac-fp" . "This code list provides the MineralConcColourValue."@en . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 82" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab596 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab597 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab333 . "Ksat_bhol"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab217 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab78 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab780 . "Silica (opal)"@en . . . . "Elec. conductivity at 1:1 soil/water ratio" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab264 . . "4" . "WRG200" . . . . "Aluminium (Al) - dithionite extractable"@en . . "Phoext" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab652 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab653 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab580 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab581 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab782 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab718 . "BlkDensF_fe-unkn-fc" . "acid igneous"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1018 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab284 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab285 . . "Deep 10\u201320"@en . . "Saturated hydraulic conductivity. Permeability in cm/hr determined in column filled with fine earth fraction" . . "Exch bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) buffered at pH 8.0-8.5, in 0.5 M BaCl2 - TEA solution" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab530 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab154 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab155 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab868 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab869 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab643 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab644 . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab466 . . . "snow"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab980 . . "Roots and tubers"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab995 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab996 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1128 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1129 . . . "Soft segregation (or soft accumulation)"@en . . "WRG6" . "Code list for cropClassValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab613 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab614 . "0.5\u20132" . "Sharp"@en . . "Code list for MottlesAbundanceValue - codelist class"@en . "CS" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1020 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1021 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab445 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab446 . . "Silica (siliceous)"@en . "Unspecified method" . "Rye"@en . . . "Manganese (Mn) - oxalate extractable"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1087 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1088 . "Selext" . "Walker and Adams, 1958. Particularly used for Total P." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab898 . . . "Code list for SealingConsistenceValue - codelist class"@en . "sand"@en . "ExchBases_ph-unkn-edta"@en . . "Cannot be broken in the fingers." . . . . . . . . . . "soft to slightly hard"@en . . . "Mineral additions (not specified)"@en . . "Total_tp05" . "This code list provides the ErosionTotalAreaAffectedValue."@en . . . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for cementationContinuity."@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab927 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab923 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab924 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab161 . . . . . . . . . "Very few"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab40 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab41 . . "Code list for saltCoverValue - codelist scheme"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for solubleSalts."@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab957 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab958 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab418 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab262 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab263 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab427 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab149 . . "02" . . . . . . . . . . "Walkley-Black method (chromic acid digestion)" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab534 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab389 . "GY" . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab216 . "Loamy soils with high clay content, clayey soils. Sample remains mostly intact when dropped, further disintegration possible after application of large pressure." . "Calext" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for TextureSum."@en . . "Fine earth. Core sampling (pF rings), at field capacity (0.33 bar, 33 kPa, 336 cm, pF 2.5), corrected for coarse fragments if any" . "This code list provides the PeatDecompostionValue."@en . . "table is missing" . . . . "< 2 mm (number)20\u201350;> 2 mm (number) 2\u20135" . . . "SC" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab536 . "RetentP_unkn-spec" . . "SC" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab829 . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab346 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab347 . "Code list for SlopeGradientClassValue - codelist class"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab940 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab941 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab277 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab278 . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab66 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab67 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for CarbonInorganic."@en . "Code list for CracksWidthValue - codelist class"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab145 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab146 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab116 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab642 . "OrgC_acid-dc-ht-analyser"@en . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: figure 4,3" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab507 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab508 . "M" . "Fine sand"@en . "UG3" . . "D3" . . "Common"@en . "SS" . "SN" . . "D" . . "Position in flat or almost flat terrain: Higher part (rise)" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab8 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab773 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab774 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab922 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab923 . "TotC_dc-ht"@en . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 64" . "CWT" . "UC" . . . . . "Car" . "PAWHC_calcul-fc100wp" . . . . . "PC" . . "marl layer"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab626 . "This code list provides the ProfileDescriptionStatusValue."@en . "Pockets more deep than wide" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab283 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab284 . . . "SSF8" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab992 . . . . . "Angular"@en . "rainwater-fed moor peat"@en . "Moderately resistant to pressure; can be broken in the hands; not breakable between thumb and forefinger." . "This code list provides analysis procedures for ElectricalConductivity."@en . . . . "15\u201340" . . . "Phooxa" . . "Weakly drained"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab624 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab625 . "HVH" . "N" . . "DD" . "Walkley, A. and I. A. Black. 1934. An Examination of Degtjareff Method for Determining Soil Organic Matter and a Proposed Modification of the Chromic Acid Titration Method. Soil Sci. 37:29\u201337." . . . "Code list for sandProperty - codelist scheme"@en . . "pHH2O_ratio1-2"@en . "carbonatic, organic"@en . "Code list for CementationNatureValue - codelist class"@en . . . . "TotC_dc-ht-spec" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab784 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab785 . "Code list for sealingConsistenceValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 69" . "Code list for carbonTotal analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab795 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab796 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab316 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab317 . . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-nodisp-laser"@en . "TXRF" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1022 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab364 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab365 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab931 . "RF" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab408 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab409 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab914 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab915 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab523 . . . "Soil material crushes only under very strong pressure; cannot be crushed between thumb and forefinger." . "lahar"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 59,2" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab808 . . "AT" . . "Code list for physiographyValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Calculated from OrgC and C/N ratio of 10" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab845 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab846 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab788 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab789 . "DX" . . . "Code list for porosity analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1181 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1182 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab333 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab334 . . "notation"@en . . . "Code list for voidsClassificationValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab30 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab20 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for electricalConductivity."@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab860 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1071 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab742 . "MB5" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab65 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab529 . "SC"@en . "SSF6" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab616 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab617 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab871 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab872 . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab751 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab752 . "FV1" . "2\u20135 20\u201350 10\u201320" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . "Holocene (100\u201310 000 years) natural: with loss by erosion or deposition of materials such as on tidal flats, of coastal dunes, in river valleys, landslides or desert areas." . "S" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab428 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab429 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab169 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab170 . "Bunding"@en . "Common"@en . . "By convention, skos:narrowerTransitive is not used to make assertions. Rather, the properties can be used to draw inferences about the transitive closure of the hierarchical relation, which is useful e.g. when implementing a simple query expansion algorithm in a search application."@en . "2" . "NK" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1055 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1056 . "Former weather conditions (Ad-hoc-AG-Boden, 2005)" . "SL" . "All but the most resistant minerals are weathered, strongly discoloured and altered throughout the fragments, which tend to disintegrate under only moderate pressure." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab191 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1 . "MA3" . "This property may be used directly, or as a super-property for more specific note types."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab506 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab507 . . "CaSO4_gy06" . . "By convention, skos:broaderTransitive is not used to make assertions. Rather, the properties can be used to draw inferences about the transitive closure of the hierarchical relation, which is useful e.g. when implementing a simple query expansion algorithm in a search application."@en . . . . "Code list for sandyTextureValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . "Sloping"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1075 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1076 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1178 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1179 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab431 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab434 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab665 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab326 . "MO" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab17 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab18 . . "Loamy fine sand"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for organicMatter."@en . . . "Clear"@en . "Tunnel erosion"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1172 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab982 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1182 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1183 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab798 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab799 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab166 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1148 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab806 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab807 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab82 . "Procedures for SolubleSalts - codelist class"@en . . "VMC_ud"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1129 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1117 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1118 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab407 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab677 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab678 . "Evergreen shrub"@en . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab70 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab71 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab507 . "< 3%"@en . "Non-plastic"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for structureSize."@en . "4" . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab236 . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for porosityClass."@en . . "> 20mm" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for fragmentsSize."@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "CaCO3_acid-h2so4-nodc"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 78" . _:ub1bL12C17 "Raul Palma" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab790 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab791 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab822 . "FragmentsGravimetricFraction04"@en . . "Can be broken between forefinger and thumb nail" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for SolubleSalts."@en . "PN1" . "Extr_edta" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab208 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab104 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab105 . "A" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab855 . . . "Mehlich2 method" . . . . . . "With interference"@en . . . "Calcium carbonate equivalent - fraction"@en . "OrgC_acid-dc-mt" . "Code list for clayProperty - codelist scheme"@en . "Dominant"@en . "BlkDensW_we-co-od" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "rainy without heavy rain in the last 24 hours"@en . . . . "Scalped area"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab735 . . "1" . . . "0 EC = < 0.18 dS m-1 in 10 g soil/250 ml H2O" . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "TotalN_kjeldahl-nh4" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab467 . . . . "Fine artefacts"@en . "SumTxtr_calcul" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab94 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab95 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: 7" . . "This code list provides the CoatingContrastValue."@en . . . . "Code list for fragmentsClassValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1161 . "SSF9" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab355 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab356 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab999 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab861 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab989 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab316 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab614 . . . "straight"@en . . "CaCO3_acid-h3po4-dc" . "Dissolution of carbonates by Hydrochloric acid [HCl], or Perchloric acid [HClO4], external heat (dry combustion)" . "Code list for PoresAbundanceValue - codelist class"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab218 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab219 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab92 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab93 . "Procedures for EffectiveCec - codelist class"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1036 . "Code list for ClayProperty - codelist class"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1135 . . . "D" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab704 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab705 . "5" . "M" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab651 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab652 . . "Procedures for ElectricalConductivity - codelist class"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab8 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab9 . "BlkDensW_we-cl-fc" . . . "HC" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1125 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab272 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab273 . . "IP" . . "RetentP_blakemor"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab888 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab889 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab634 . . . "M" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab22 . "Pollution"@en . "These concept mapping relations mirror semantic relations, and the data model defined below is similar (with the exception of skos:exactMatch) to the data model defined for semantic relations. A distinct vocabulary is provided for concept mapping relations, to provide a convenient way to differentiate links within a concept scheme from links between concept schemes. However, this pattern of usage is not a formal requirement of the SKOS data model, and relies on informal definitions of best practice."@en . . "Very fine"@en . "With wetlands (occupying > 15%)"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1162 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1163 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "2mm\u20135mm" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab324 . . . "0cm\u20132cm" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab368 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab174 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab175 . . "CEC at unknown buffer, in 0.1 M CaCl2 exchange solution" . "VF" . "C" . . "Very fine/thin"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab595 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1094 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1095 . . . "Code list for availableWaterHoldingCapacity analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "slightly hard to hard" . "MS" . "4"@en . . "Humus"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1012 . "Code list for rockOutcropsDistanceValue - codelist scheme"@en . "pHCaCl2_ratio1-5"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab21 . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1095 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1163 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1164 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab699 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab11 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1068 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1172 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1173 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab464 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1102 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab433 . "Very strongly salty"@en . "pH" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab386 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab387 . "high-gradient escarpment zone"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1112 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1113 . . . . . "60cm\u2013200cm" . "Moderate"@en . "intermediate igneous"@en . . "None"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab234 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab235 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab386 . "TE" . . "Zinext" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab215 . "This code list provides the SaltContentValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab402 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab450 . "SA" . . "Code list for CracksDistanceValue - codelist class"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 42" . . . "Indirect estimate (total carbon minus organic carbon = inorganic carbon)" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab747 . "SC" . . . "Molybdenum blue method, using ascorbic acid as reductant after heating of soil to 550 C and extraction with 6M sulphuric acid. Particularly used for Total P." . . . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-disp-beaker" . . "SX" . "Coarse sandy loam"@en . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab801 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab802 . "ST" . "Xeromorphic forest"@en . "BlkDensF_fe-cl-unk"@en . "AC" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 68" . "Shifting sands"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab911 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab912 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1205 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab114 . "disperse powdery gypsum"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab824 . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-adj100" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 16" . "UU4" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab696 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab105 . . "Coarse gravel and stones"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1138 . "EffCEC_calcul-b"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab382 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab383 . . "Exch (extractable / potential) acidity (Al) buffered at pH 8.0-8.5, in unknown extract" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 15,1" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab149 . . . . "Other crops"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 14,2" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab69 . . "V" . "Code list for cracksWidthValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab993 . . "Hemic" . . "N" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab866 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab867 . . "This code list provides the SealingThicknessValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab133 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab134 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab269 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab943 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab944 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab559 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1185 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab458 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab459 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab90 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1178 . "Total_tp03"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab601 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab602 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab701 . "Gradual"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab897 . "CEC_ph-unkn-cacl2"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab92 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for boundaryDistinctness."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1034 . . "Very large pressure necessary to force knife into the soil, no further disintegration of sample."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab772 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab375 . . "Sulfur (S) - extractable"@en . "Data model for the Global Soil Information System (GloSIS) v1.0, edited by Tomas Reznik and Katharina Schleidt"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab489 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab490 . . . . . "V" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab369 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab999 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1000 . "ultrabasic metamorphic"@en . "Base saturation - sum of cations"@en . "CEC_ph0-nh4cl" . . "VV" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1205 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1206 . . . . . "> 80" . "sand"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab694 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab695 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab247 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab2 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab3 . . "CaCO3_acid-unk"@en . . . "ISRIC Report 2019/01: Tier 1 and Tier 2 data in the context of the federated Global Soil Information System. Appendix 3" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 59,3" . . "Coconuts"@en . . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab75 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab569 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab570 . "V" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab990 . "CaCO3_ca07" . "Gravimetric (USDA Agr. Hdbk 60-/- method Richards et al., 1954)" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1207 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab409 . . . "ExchAcid_ph8-unkn" . . "Position in flat or almost flat terrain: Intermediate part (talf)" . . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "S" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab798 . "WE" . . . . "OrgC_wc-cro3-walkleyblack" . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 61" . "CEC buffered at pH 7, in 0.1 M Li-EDTA exchange solution" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab440 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab30 . . "HE2" . "diorite"@en . "Phosphate (PO4--) - soluble"@en . . "Code list for PorosityClassValue - codelist class"@en . . . "Extr_hotwater"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab723 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab724 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab756 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for nitrogenTotal."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab31 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab942 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab943 . . "This code list provides the VegetationClassValue."@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab920 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab145 . . "Wire formable but breaks immediately if bent into a ring; soil mass deformed by very slight force." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1135 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1136 . "ISRIC Report 2019/01: Tier 1 and Tier 2 data in the context of the federated Global Soil Information System. Appendix 3" . . "Fallow system cultivation"@en . "CEC_ph8-licl2tea" . "0 Non-calcareous No detectable visible or audible effervescence."@en . . . "Code list for poresAbundanceValue - codelist scheme"@en . "AT3" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab668 . "60mm\u2013200mm" . . "Sodtot" . . "TotalN_kjeldahl"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Boulders and large boulders"@en . "H" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Jackson, M. L. (1958) Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey." . "Controlled by the fabric, or arrangement, of the soil particles, also known as textural voids. Subdivision possible into simple packing voids, which relate to the packing of sand particles, and compound packing voids, which result from the packing of non-accommodating peds. Predominantly irregular in shape and interconnected, and hard to quantify in the field." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab916 . . . "MO" . "4" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab873 . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 73" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab371 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab372 . . . "Soil mass is very weakly coherent and fragile; breaks to powder or individual grains under very slight pressure." . . "Present weather conditions (Schoeneberger et al., 2002)" . "Young (10\u2013100 years) anthropogeomorphic: with complete disturbance of any natural surfaces (and soils) such as in urban, industrial and mining areas with early soil development from fresh natural, technogenic or a mixture of materials, or restriction of flooding by dykes." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab964 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab965 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab139 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab140 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab298 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab457 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab458 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab598 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab599 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab871 . . . . . . . "Method of Olsen (0.5 M Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) extraction at pH8.5). Particularly used for available P." . "ExchBases_ph7-nh4oac" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab160 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab161 . . "CaSO4_gy07"@en . "Manganese (Mn) - extractable"@en . . . "Many"@en . . "BD2" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab344 . . . . "vYn" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab353 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab354 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab173 . "FM" . . "Ro_Su" . "\u2265 12%"@en . "Older Pleistocene, with periglacial influence, commonly the recent soil formation on younger over older, preweathered materials." . . "Wet oxidation or wet combustion methods" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 60" . . . "pHH2O (soil reaction) in 1:2.5 soil/water solution" . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab202 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab203 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab582 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab583 . "VMC_calcul-ptf-brookscorey"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab891 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab892 . . "pHCaCl2 (soil reaction) in 1:1 soil/1 M CaCl2 solution (1 M)" . "PH" . . . "Military area"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab703 . "VO" . . "< 2mm" . . . . "Semi-deciduous shrub"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab551 . . . . _:ub1bL14C32 "PSNC" . "InOrgC_calcul-caco3" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab446 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1209 . "grano-diorite"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab528 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab529 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab682 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab683 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . "Total_h2so4" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab412 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab413 . . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab557 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab392 . . "Young anthropogeomorphic"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab216 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab731 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab732 . "Sticky"@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab540 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab628 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab629 . . . "SI" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab47 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab48 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1072 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1073 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab998 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab981 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab242 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab243 . "Code list for electricalConductivity analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab555 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab556 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab914 . . . "VMC_ud-cl" . . "Artificial drainage"@en . "Code list for rootsAbundanceValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Sand additions"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab733 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-64-2000um)-no dispersion-pipette" . . . . . "Discrete body without an internal organization." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab44 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab45 . "Oats"@en . "M" . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab637 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab575 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab576 . . . . "Groundwater-fed bog peat"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1207 . . "UF1" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 12" . . . . . . "MA1" . . "Not known"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab550 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab551 . "Closed forest"@en . . . . . . . . "Jute"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab29 . . "UM" . . . "Medium artefacts"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab219 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab188 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab842 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab843 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab26 . . "EX" . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 55" . . "Code list for nitrogenTotal analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . "Code list for erosionAreaAffectedValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab128 . . "GE" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab563 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab564 . "G" . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 74" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab556 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1059 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab236 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab854 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab855 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab858 . "V" . "L" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1087 . . . . . "CaCO3_acid-ch3cooh-dc" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab273 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab902 . . . . "SSF2" . "Total_unk"@en . . "VMC_calcul-ptf-brookscorey" . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-disp-laser"@en . . "TotalN_tn04"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab801 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab343 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab344 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab700 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 14,1" . . "medium-gradient valley"@en . . . . "C" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab101 . "This code list provides the PorosityClassValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab795 . . "UK2" . "Magnesium (Mg) - total"@en . "Greyish"@en . . . "Code list for hydraulicConductivity analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab657 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1144 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab788 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab99 . . . . "IP4" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab887 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab888 . "BlkDensF_fe-co-od"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab820 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1113 . . "None"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab809 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab810 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab836 . "Code list for slopeFormValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Millet"@en . . . . . . "Code list for plasticityValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Widely spaced 2\u20135"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab538 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab539 . "peridotite"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab766 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab767 . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for clay."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab662 . . . . "CaCO3_acid-nodc" . . "ExchBases_ph-unkn-m3-spec"@en . . . "pHCaCl2_ratio1-1" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab604 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab228 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab229 . "Accelerated and natural erosion not distinguished"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab727 . "IB" . "Code list for WeatheringValue - codelist class"@en . . "Iron\u2013organic matter"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab623 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab624 . . "Boron (B) - total"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab88 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab986 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab813 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab180 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab179 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab180 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 75,1" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab963 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab964 . "UP" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab27 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab28 . . . "Code list for biologicalFeaturesValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . "OrgC_wc-cro3-kalembra" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab62 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab162 . "HL" . . "DC3" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab566 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab306 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab832 . "3" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab141 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab142 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab401 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab402 . "Friable"@en . . . "Large boulders"@en . "Fine earth. Excavation and replacement (i.e. soils too fragile to remove a stable sample) e.g. by auger, at unknown humidity, corrected for coarse fragments if any" . "Procedures for BulkDensityFineEarth - codelist class"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab368 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab369 . . "Pu_Le" . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 28" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab298 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab299 . "KA" . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-fld"@en . "Code list for bulkDensityWholeSoil analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab310 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab311 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab314 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab318 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab319 . "Code list for pH analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . . . "This code list provides the CracksDepthValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab501 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab502 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab261 . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab515 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab159 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab160 . "CaSO4_gy01"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab359 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab360 . "ExchBases_ph8-unk"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab865 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab734 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab735 . "Few"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab194 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab738 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab377 . "F" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab756 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab757 . "silt-, mud-, claystone"@en . . . "WRV" . . . . "Lower part (and dip)"@en . "Sum of soluble anions (Cl, SO4, HCO2, CO3, NO3, F)" . "VMC_calcul-ptf" . . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 42" . . "AD" . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 10" . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Unacidified dry combustion at high temperature (950-1400 C). Total Carbon (USDA-NRCS method 6A), LECO analyzer at 1140 C" . . . "HI1" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab816 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1194 . "Common"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1065 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1066 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab605 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab606 . . "Salt deposition"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab859 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab860 . . "OrgC_wc-cro3-kalembra"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab736 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab737 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1082 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab173 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab174 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab755 . "Incomplete description "@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab425 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab426 . "VS" . "ExchBases_ph-unkn-m3-spec" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab994 . "6cm\u201320cm" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab74 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab763 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab396 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab397 . . . . "pHCaCl2_ratio1-2" . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-adj100"@en . . . "TotalN_kjeldahl" . . "Borrow pit"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1086 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1087 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab240 . "OrgC_wc-cro3-nrcs6a1c" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab641 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab642 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "WA" . "MA" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1206 . "Code list for erosionTotalAreaAffectedValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Extr_hotwater" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab232 . . . . . . . . . "Coffee"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab564 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab565 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab966 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab967 . "marl and other mixtures"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab269 . "SR" . "Extr_hcl-nh4f-kurtz-bray" . "A" . . . . "Saturated hydraulic conductivity. Inverse bore hole method" . "Code list for consistenceDryValue - codelist scheme"@en . "BlkDensF_fe-unkn" . . . "BlkDensW_we-co-od"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab429 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab72 . . . "Sulext" . . "IA1" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab920 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab921 . "Code list for humanInfluenceClassValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab528 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab134 . "This code list provides the GypsumFormsValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab59 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab414 . . . "sand"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab958 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab959 . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab454 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab455 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 24,2" . "UM2" . . "skos:exactMatch is disjoint with each of the properties skos:broadMatch and skos:relatedMatch."@en . "CEC_ph0-ag-thioura" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab724 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab725 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab267 . "Sodext" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1100 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1101 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab34 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab35 . . . "Selenium (Se) - extractable"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for erosionActivityPeriod."@en . "Forb"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab910 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab911 . "preferred label"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab117 . . . . "QU" . . . "M" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab649 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab650 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 13" . . "Code list for rockAbundanceValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab645 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab646 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1126 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1127 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1156 . "D" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab212 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab213 . "Carbon - humic acid"@en . "4" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1161 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1162 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab703 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab704 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab720 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab721 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab764 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab273 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab487 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab488 . "Irooxa" . "Code list for effectiveCec analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "Code list for landformComplexValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Cartoh" . . . . "OrgC_dc-lt"@en . "P" . "CaCO3_ca10" . "Present weather conditions (Schoeneberger et al., 2002)" . "Carhum" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "kryogenic"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1060 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1061 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 174" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab787 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab788 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1002 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1003 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab13 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab935 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab518 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab894 . . . . . . "N" . "Rice, paddy"@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1000 . . "Soil material crushes easily under gentle to moderate pressure between thumb and forefinger, and coheres when pressed together." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab304 . "ON L 1084-99 (1999) Chemical analyses of soils\u2014determination of carbonate. In: Austrian Standards Institute (ed) O\u2039 NORM L 1084. Austrian Standards Institute, Vienna" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab164 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab165 . "Extr_ap14"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab131 . . "Code list for weatherConditionsValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab726 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab727 . . "After pressure, soil material adheres to both thumb and finger but comes off one or the other rather cleanly. It is not appreciably stretched when the digits are separated." . "Extr_c6h8o7-reeuwijk"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "SandSizeFraction06"@en . "Medium"@en . . "Few"@en . "Carbonates\u2013silica"@en . . . "Coarse gravel"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab205 . . . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-disp-spec" . "II2" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1104 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1105 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab670 . . . . "Wet oxidation according to Kalembra and Jenkinson (1973) with acid dichromate" . "RL" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1018 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1019 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab554 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab555 . . "Selenium (Se) - total"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab147 . "Evergreen woodland"@en . . . "Moderately steep"@en . . "TotC_dc-mt"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab892 . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for cropClass."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab663 . . "Code list for extractableElements analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1007 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1008 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab254 . . . . "Including pseudomycelium of carbonates or opal." . . "N" . . . "0%" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1059 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab562 . "ExchAcid_ph7-unk"@en . "HS" . . "Ranching"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab6 . . . . . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab181 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab182 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "A statement or formal explanation of the meaning of a concept."@en . . "None"@en . . "Code list for carbonatesContentValue - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab128 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab129 . . . "Late Pleistocene, periglacial, commonly recent soil formation on preweathered materials." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab135 . "SlbAn_calcul-unkn" . "Bortot" . "Relates a concept to the concept scheme that it is a top level concept of."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab603 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab604 . . "Abundant"@en . "Sprinkler irrigation"@en . "AA" . . "Code list for totalElements analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1186 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1187 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1080 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1081 . . . "Acidity - extractable"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1033 . "ExchBases_ph-unkn-m3" . . "The range of skos:prefLabel is the class of RDF plain literals."@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1195 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab204 . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab994 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1183 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab778 . "Code list for bulkDensityPeatValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . . . "This code list provides the SandProperty."@en . . . . "Code list for CarbonatesContentValue - codelist class"@en . . . . "CEC_ph0-nh4oac" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab276 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab277 . "Extr_nh4-co3-2-ambic1"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab975 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab976 . "OrgC_dc-spec"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab945 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab946 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab640 . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-nodisp" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab957 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab578 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab488 . . "WRG33" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab444 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab445 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1131 . "Code list for StructureGradeValue - codelist class"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab365 . "CaCO3_ca03" . . . . "Dairying"@en . "OrgC_calcul-tc-ic" . . . "VMC_d-cl-ww" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab199 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab200 . "Fragments show little or no signs of weathering." . "LV" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1179 . "< 2"@en . "Flat"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab50 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab51 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 21,1" . "pHNaF (soil reaction) in 1:1 soil/NaF solution (1 M)" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab942 . . "MO" . "Dissolution of carbonates by Phosphoric acid [H3PO4], external heat unknown" . "This code list provides the FloodDurationValue."@en . . "Irrigation (not specified)"@en . . . "SandSizeFraction09"@en . "hidden label"@en . . . "(mm)" . "IU1" . . . "Severe Surface horizons completely removed and subsurface horizons exposed. Original biotic functions largely destroyed." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab68 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab970 . "SV1" . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab255 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab256 . "Seltot" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab124 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab125 . . "SO" . . . "CrsFrg_lab"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 73" . . "UU5" . "Fr_Ap" . . "Position in undulating to mountainous terrain: Lower slope (foot slope)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab879 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "SI" . "RC" . . "Code list for physioChemicalProperty - codelist scheme"@en . "ExchBases_ph0-nh4cl"@en . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-20-2000um)-no dispersion-hydrometer-Bouyoucos" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab727 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab728 . . . "Code list for exchangeableBases analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab736 . . "CaCO3_ca06" . . "WRV33" . "Discontinuous circular"@en . "Olives"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab846 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab847 . "TotC_calcul-ic-oc" . . . . "> 80" . . . "Bases - exchangeable"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1047 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1048 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab155 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab156 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab279 . . "Code list for phosphorusRetention analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab408 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab381 . "PD1" . . . . "This code list provides the BoundaryTopographyValue."@en . . . . . "SWD3" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab555 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1051 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab36 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab37 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: 20,1" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab172 . . "Code list for mottlesSizeValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Few"@en . _:ub1bL16C32 "PSNC" . "BlkDensW_we-cl-unkn" . . . "pHKCl (soil reaction) in 1:5 soil/KCl solution (0.01-1 M)" . . . "CaCO3_acid-h2so4-dc" . . . . . "Code list for MottlesSizeValue - codelist class"@en . "Code list for ErosionActivityPeriodValue - codelist class"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab591 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab592 . . . "basalt"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab452 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab453 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1132 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab571 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab572 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab661 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab725 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab588 . "Palm (fibres, kernels)"@en . "Procedures for TotalCarbonateEquivalent - codelist class"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab690 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab939 . "5mm\u201320mm" . . . . "Iron (ferruginous)"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "5" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for sealingThickness."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab204 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab205 . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 15,1" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab103 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab104 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1005 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1108 . "Lu_To" . . "dolerite"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab453 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1133 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1134 . . "For any resource, every item in the list given as the value of the\n skos:memberList property is also a value of the skos:member property."@en . "BlkDensF_fe-cl-od" . . . "C" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab728 . "ExchAcid_ph0-kcl1m"@en . "Calculated by PTF of brooks - corey" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab435 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab664 . . . . . . "Total_tp08" . "This code list provides the GypsumContentValue."@en . . . . "Code list for CoatingContrastValue - codelist class"@en . . "Many"@en . "terraced"@en . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-nodisp-hydrometer" . "Ce_Ra" . . . "Humic acid carbon_unknown method" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab198 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab199 . "Many"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab961 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab962 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab965 . . "FragmentsVolumetric02"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab489 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab821 . . "Code list for gypsumFormsValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "A" . . "CrsFrg_fld"@en . . "Code list for totalCarbonateEquivalent analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "Extr_nahco3-olsen-dabin" . "Extr_m3-spec" . . . "Procedures for AcidityExchangeable - codelist class"@en . "Manganese (Mn) - total"@en . "V" . "Nomadism"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab122 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab123 . "OrgC_dc-spec" . . . . . . . . . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-disp-spec" . . . "Code list for lithologyValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . "N" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab108 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab109 . . . "VM" . . . . . "Fine earth. Type of sample unknown, at unknown humidity, corrected for coarse fragments if any" . "BlkDensW_we-rpl-unkn" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab64 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab65 . "Aciext" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab385 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab73 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab74 . . "slope deposits"@en . . "5\u201315 3 5\u201320" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab39 . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-20-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1160 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab135 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab150 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab151 . . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-disp-beaker" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab391 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab392 . . "Strongly weathered"@en . "M" . . "Code list for SurfaceAgeValue - codelist class"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab207 . "Dissolution of carbonates by Sulfuric acid [H2SO4], external heat unknown" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab966 . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-50-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-beaker" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1134 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1135 . "Very high"@en . "Moderate" . "CEC buffered at pH 8.0-8.5, in 0.5 M Li-chloride - TEA exchange solution" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab278 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab969 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab970 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab460 . "Dissolution of carbonates by Acetic acid [CH3COOH], external heat unknown" . "Silica"@en . . "Total_hcl-aquaregia"@en . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for mineralFragments."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab203 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab204 . . . "I" . . . "JA" . . "2"@en . "Sodium (Na+) - exchangeable"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab10 . . . . "pHCaCl2_sat"@en . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab478 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab479 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "ST" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab951 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab952 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab799 . . "By convention, skos:notation is used with a typed literal in the object position of the triple."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1006 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1007 . "AA4" . "Pressure-plate extraction, disturbed -clod- samples (wt%) * density on weight/weight basis; to be converted to v/v (with BD at appropriate humidity)" . "A note about the past state/use/meaning of a concept."@en . "M" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab979 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab745 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab746 . "BlkDensW_we-co-fc" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab136 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab137 . "KSat_calcul-ptf"@en . . "Code list for floodFrequencyValue - codelist scheme"@en . "ST" . "IP" . . "SandSizeFraction03"@en . "Elec. conductivity at 1:5 soil/water ratio" . . . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-nodisp"@en . "Red"@en . "This code list provides the PlasticityValue."@en . . "Nitrate (NO3-) - soluble"@en . . . . "Broken"@en . "Bromite (Br-) - extractable"@en . . . . . "EC" . "P" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab321 . "SandWaterDispersible02"@en . . . . . . "UG1" . . "has narrower transitive"@en . . . . . . . "> 15cm" . "Code list for boundaryTopographyValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab437 . "Acronyms, abbreviations, spelling variants, and irregular plural/singular forms may be included among the alternative labels for a concept. Mis-spelled terms are normally included as hidden labels (see skos:hiddenLabel)."@en . "is in scheme"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab885 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab886 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1196 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1197 . "Very gently sloping "@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab899 . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for CarbonOrganic."@en . "Sesquioxides"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1168 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1169 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab460 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab461 . . . . "Clover"@en . "Bro" . "Abundant"@en . "lPp" . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . "Vegetation slightly disturbed"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab190 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab191 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab876 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab864 . "FS" . . . "Pho" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab642 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab643 . "V" . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "VMC_d-cl"@en . . "P" . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-nodisp" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 5" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1083 . "Carbon - fulvic acid"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab889 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab890 . . . . . "CEC buffered at pH 7, in 1 M NH4-acetate (NH4OAc) exchange solution (0.25-1.0 M)" . "Ro" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab201 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab202 . . . "Without interference"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab113 . . . "CaSO4_gy04"@en . . "Sesame"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab553 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab554 . . . "Code list for coatingAbundanceValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "C" . "very strong"@en . . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-fld" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1095 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1096 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab250 . . "TotC_dc-ht-analyser" . . . "SSF10" . "SSFT" . . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for voidsClassification."@en . "\u2248 > 25 Extremely calcareous Extremely strong reaction. Thick foam forms quickly."@en . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 31" . "HT" . "Code list for vegetationClassValue - codelist scheme"@en . "2cm\u20135cm" . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for BulkDensityWholeSoil."@en . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab56 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab760 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab761 . "07" . "Rainfed arable cultivation"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab91 . "has close match"@en . . "Higher part (rise)"@en . . "< 0.5" . "Very young (1\u201310 years) anthropogeomorphic: with complete disturbance of natural surfaces (and soils) such as in urban, industrial and mining areas with very early soil development from fresh natural or technogenic or mixed materials." . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "0%\u20132%" . "Code list for profileDescriptionStatusValue - codelist scheme"@en . "GLOSIS code lists"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab866 . . "slightly plastic to plastic"@en . "Melons"@en . "Whole earth. Core sampling (pF rings), at field capacity (0.33 bar, 33 kPa, 336 cm, pF 2.5), not corrected for coarse fragments if any" . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-disp-hydrometer-bouy" . . "Particles > 2 mm observed in the field. May include concretions and very hard aggregates" . "CrsFrg_fldcls" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab617 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab618 . "This code list provides the SlopeGradientClassValue."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab413 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab414 . . . "2\u20134" . . . . "B. KURMIES, Z. Pflanzenern\u00FChr. Dung. u Bodenk., 44 (1949) 121" . . . . . . . . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-20-2000um)-no dispersion-pipette" . "Continuous flow analyser after digestion with H2SO4/salicyclic acid/H2O2/Se" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab715 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab441 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab442 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab652 . . . "HE3" . . . "Code list for gypsum analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "8\u2013 < 12%"@en . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab239 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab240 . "FragmentsGravimetricFraction03"@en . . "sedimentary rock (consolidated)"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab584 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab623 . . . "WD" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab47 . . "V" . "High" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab281 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1042 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1043 . . "FI" . . "Hard"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab262 . "Water and wind erosion"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab158 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab159 . "TotalN_tn06" . "This code list provides the RockOutcropsCoverValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab710 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab711 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab656 . . . "Organic additions (not specified)"@en . . . "InOrgC_calcul-tc-oc"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1143 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1144 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1116 . "Disposal sites"@en . . . . "Semi-luxury foods and tobacco"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab137 . "SS" . "CaSO4_gy05" . "< 2" . "CSL" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab372 . "Code list for StickinessValue - codelist class"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab511 . . . . . . "WC1" . "Q" . "Code list for coatingLocationValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab516 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab517 . . . . "KSat_calcul-ptf" . "skos:closeMatch is used to link two concepts that are sufficiently similar that they can be used interchangeably in some information retrieval applications. In order to avoid the possibility of \"compound errors\" when combining mappings across more than two concept schemes, skos:closeMatch is not declared to be a transitive property."@en . "Very few "@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab980 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab981 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab773 . "Total_hcl-aquaregia" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab989 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab435 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab436 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab501 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab777 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab778 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab691 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1184 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1185 . . . . . . "no rain in the last week"@en . . "Code list for peatVolumeValue - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab546 . . . "CEC_ph0-bacl2"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab423 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab424 . . . "Textclay" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab647 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab845 . "CaN" . . . "BL" . "Code list for cracksDistanceValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab933 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab934 . . . . . "CaCO3_acid-h3po4-unkn" . . "SL" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1032 . "HI2" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab811 . "IF" . "Holocene (100\u201310 000 years) anthropogeomorphic: human-made relief modifications, such as terracing of forming hills or walls by early civilizations or during the Middle Ages or earlier, restriction of flooding by dykes, or surface raising." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab685 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab270 . "None"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab334 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab335 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab546 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab547 . "FVT" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab70 . . "UG2" . "Pottot" . "T" . "Thick"@en . "Dominant"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab644 . "CaCO3_ca08"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1091 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1092 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab506 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "Industrial use"@en . "WaterRetentionGravimetric200kPa"@en . . "< 2 mm (number)50\u2013200 ;> 2 mm (number)5\u201320" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . . "SM" . . . . . . . . . "Oi_Se" . "Carbon (C) - organic"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab841 . "Code list for BiologicalAbundanceValue - codelist class"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab863 . . . . "Code list for carbonatesFormsValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-50-2000um)-no dispersion-spectrally measured and convertd to sand, silt or clay" . "F" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab593 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab594 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab115 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab116 . "redeposited natural material"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab416 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab417 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab503 . "Other"@en . . . "Code list for rockOutcropsCoverValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "Ice"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab701 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab702 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1120 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1121 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab515 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab516 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab819 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab737 . "Semi-deciduous forest"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab961 . "This code list provides the CoatingLocationValue."@en . . . "The preferred lexical label for a resource, in a given language."@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1137 . . . "Procedures for Gypsum - codelist class"@en . "Diffuse"@en . "FragmentsGravimetricFraction01"@en . . "CEC_ph-unkn-cacl2" . . . . "> 20" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1003 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1004 . . . "UC2" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 63" . . . "Procedures for ExchangeableBases - codelist class"@en . "EffCEC_calcul-ba" . "plastic to very plastic"@en . "Calfra" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1130 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1131 . "P" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 4" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for organicMatterClass."@en . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 31" . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for carbonTotal."@en . . . . . "Routine profile description "@en . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-adj100" . . . . . "< 2 mm (number)20\u201350;> 2 mm (number) 2\u20135" . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 2" . . "BR" . "The compacted or cemented parts are platelike and have a horizontal or subhorizontal orientation." . "gravel, broken rock"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab49 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab50 . "25-50(%)" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1191 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab661 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab875 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab876 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "pyroxenite"@en . "Intensive grazing"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab283 . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-fld" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1040 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1041 . "weathered residuum"@en . . "DC1" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab123 . . . "Procedures for PhosphorusRetention - codelist class"@en . "Abrupt"@en . . . . "Rill erosion"@en . . . . . . "Relates, by convention, a concept scheme to a concept which is topmost in the broader/narrower concept hierarchies for that scheme, providing an entry point to these hierarchies."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab16 . . . . "Code list for solubleSalts analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab23 . . . "Extr_ap15" . . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab485 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab832 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab833 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab709 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab710 . . . "Moderate to strong" . "V" . . . . . "0%" . "1.1" . "Total_xrf" . . . "1"@en . . . . "EC_ratio1-2"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab494 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab495 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1122 . "PAWHC_calcul-fc100wp"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab260 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab261 . "Code list for bleachedSandValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab580 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab947 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab685 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab686 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab906 . . "Code list for saltThicknessValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab862 . . "Clay texture fraction"@en . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-disp-pipette" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab270 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab271 . . . . . "Code list for textureSum analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "K" . "MP" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab135 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab136 . . . "Code list for boundaryDistinctnessValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab286 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab287 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab843 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab844 . "A" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 18" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab241 . "Ot_Pa" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab917 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1189 . . "Fine earth. Type of sample unknown, at oven dry, corrected for coarse fragments if any" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab912 . "After Nitric acid attack (boiling with HNO3), colometric determination (method of Duval).. Particularly used for Total P." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab880 . . "SB" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab665 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab666 . . . . "ST" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1133 . "BlkDensF_fe-co-od" . "Interstitial"@en . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-disp-pipett"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab971 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab972 . . . . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab218 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab254 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab255 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1169 . . "V" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab702 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab703 . "LA" . "Procedures for TotalElements - codelist class"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1158 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1159 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab950 . . . . "Linseed"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab659 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab732 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab733 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab636 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab934 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab935 . . "pHNaF (soil reaction) in 1:10 soil/NaF solution (0.01-1 M)" . . . . "Fibre crops"@en . . "Continuous"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab9 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1057 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1058 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab705 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab706 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab289 . "CaCO3_calcul-tc-oc"@en . . "F" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab227 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab228 . . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab5 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab6 . "pHKCl_ratio1-2" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1001 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab870 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1108 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "F" . "Soft"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab447 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab448 . . . . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . "25\u201350"@en . . . "1" . "VMC_calcul-ptf"@en . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Fine earth. Clod samples (natural clods or reconstituted from < 2mm sample), at oven dry, corrected for coarse fragments if any" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 69" . "Irrigated tree crop cultivation"@en . "pHH2O_sat"@en . "Total P-/- colorimetric in H2SO4-Se-Salicylic acid digest( sulfuric acid) Particularly used for Total P." . . "< 0.75" . "Intermediate part (talf)"@en . . "pHH2O"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab726 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab797 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab798 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for peatDecompostion."@en . . . "W" . "The layer is largely constructed from cemented spherical nodules." . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for voidsDiameter."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab926 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for cementationNature."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab34 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Code list for voidsClassificationValue - codelist scheme"@en . "WT" . . "OrgC_acid-dc-ht" . . . . . . "Code list for FloodDurationValue - codelist class"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab318 . "InOrgC_calcul-tc-oc" . . "MC" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab89 . . "HHC" . "Total_tp05"@en . "XRF" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab804 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1107 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1108 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1070 . . "LS" . . "skos:broadMatch is used to state a hierarchical mapping link between two conceptual resources in different concept schemes."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab960 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab961 . "ExchAcid_ph7-caoac"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab705 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab646 . . . . "CaCO3_acid-h3po4-nodc" . "UU" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab874 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1066 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1067 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab590 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab591 . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for acidityExchangeable."@en . "EC_ratio1-2" . "F" . . "OrgC_wc-cro3-nrcs6a1c"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab319 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab997 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab252 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab253 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1064 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1065 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . . . . . . "Former weather conditions (Ad-hoc-AG-Boden, 2005)" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab513 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab514 . . . . "Vughs"@en . . "CaCO3_acid-h2so4-unkn" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab99 . . . . . . "Code list for ErosionCategoryValue - codelist class"@en . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for cracksDistance."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1114 . "Poros_calcul-pf0"@en . "CrsFrg_fldcls"@en . "Code list for stickinessValue - codelist scheme"@en . "DC4" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab694 . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1027 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1028 . . "CaCO3_ca02"@en . . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab226 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab227 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab544 . "basic igneous"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab147 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab148 . "CaCO3_ca11" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab233 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1053 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1054 . . "Iron\u2013manganese (sesquioxides)"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab458 . "steep land"@en . "CS"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1024 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1025 . "Ca phosphate. Particularly used for available S." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab729 . . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-nodisp-hydrometer-bouy"@en . "MA4" . "4.1" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab383 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab932 . "hard cemented layer or layers of carbonates (less than 10 cm thick)"@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Total_hno3-aquafortis" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1154 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1155 . "This code list provides the CropClassValue."@en . . . . . "Ro_Po" . "> 0.17g cm-3"@en . "Agroforestry"@en . "Extremely coarse"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab45 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab693 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab694 . "Tundra"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab55 . "Mostly irregular, equidimensional voids of faunal origin or resulting from tillage or disturbance of other voids. Discontinuous or interconnected. May be quantified in specific cases." . "Exch acidity (H+Al) unbuffered, in unknown extract" . . . . . "Non-irrigated cultivation"@en . . . "HumAcidC_unk"@en . "Fibric"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for MoistureContent."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab811 . "Brownish"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab43 . . "Fr_Me" . "eolian"@en . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "The range of skos:altLabel is the class of RDF plain literals."@en . "Code list for organicMatter analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab370 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab371 . . "Broader concepts are typically rendered as parents in a concept hierarchy (tree)."@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for gypsumContent."@en . . "Burning"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1054 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1055 . "UA" . "Raised beds (agricultural purposes)"@en . "Code list for cementationDegreeValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "CaSO4_gy03" . "Ce" . "Fo" . . "high-gradient mountain"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab407 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab408 . "Very young (1\u201310 years) natural: with loss by erosion or deposition of materials such as on tidal flats, of coastal dunes, in river valleys, landslides or desert areas." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab163 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab265 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab208 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab209 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab349 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab350 . . . "M" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab380 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for mineralConcHardness."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab152 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab153 . "Total_nh4-6mo7o24"@en . "Degradation control"@en . . "C" . "Calcium carbonate equivalent - total"@en . . "> 40" . . . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for baseSaturation."@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab930 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab931 . . . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab356 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab357 . "overcast"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for peatDrainage."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab58 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab59 . "marine, estuarine"@en . "Code list for erosionActivityPeriodValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab288 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab591 . . "Iron (Fe) - total"@en . . "pHKCl (soil reaction) in 1:2 soil/KCl solution (0.01-1 M)" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab908 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . "has related"@en . . . "This code list provides the RootsAbundanceValue."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab637 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab638 . "Continuous irregular (non-uniform, heterogeneous)"@en . . . . . "Code list for MineralConcNatureValue - codelist class"@en . "Code list for cementationFabricValue - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab981 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab982 . . . . . "Code list for consistenceMoistValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab41 . . "Oi_Gr" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1157 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "slightly sticky to sticky"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab146 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab147 . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab53 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab211 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab212 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab651 . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-disp-hydrometer-bouy" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab453 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab454 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab35 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab288 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab289 . "extremely rainy time or snow melting"@en . . "Code list for rockOutcropsDistanceValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "Potatoes"@en . "quartzite"@en . "After pressure, soil material adheres strongly to both thumb and finger and is decidedly stretched when they are separated." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab155 . . "20\u201350"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab61 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab62 . "Code list for RootsAbundanceValue - codelist class"@en . . . . . "Exch bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) unknown buffer, in Mehlich3 solution with extractable ppm assumed exchangeable cmolc/kg" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab132 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab133 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab157 . "Yellow"@en . "Unacidified. Dry combustion by furnace (e.g., LECO combustion analyzer, Dumas method). Is total Carbon?" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab168 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab169 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1035 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab33 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab805 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab157 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab158 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1002 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab132 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab235 . . . "Tobacco"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab118 . "FragmentsGravimetricFraction02"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab274 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1008 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1009 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab861 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab862 . . "Rounded"@en . . . . . "Fi_Ju" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab792 . "OrgC_wc-cro3-kurmies" . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-nodisp-pipett"@en . . . . "6mm\u201320mm" . . "I. V. TIURIN, Pochvovodenie (Pedology), (1931) 36." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab805 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab763 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab764 . . "Irrigated cultivation"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab973 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab544 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab431 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab432 . . "Elongated"@en . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab134 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab299 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab300 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab656 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab438 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab439 . "Nature and game preservation"@en . . "Jarosite"@en . . . . . "Code list for PlasticityValue - codelist class"@en . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 70" . . "Code list for texture analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "Carbonates: H3PO4 treatment at 80 deg. C and CO2 measurement like TOC (OC13), transformation into CaCO3 (Schlichting et al. 1995)" . "ClaySizeFraction02"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab405 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab406 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab471 . . . . . "Indirect estimate from total carbonate equivalent, with a factor of 0.12 (molar weights: CaCO3 100g/mol, C 12g/mol)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab604 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab605 . . "AD" . . "OrgC_acid-dc" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab46 . "Code list for erosionDegreeValue - codelist scheme"@en . "> 80%" . . . . "FF" . . "FM" . . . . "Method of Morgan (Na-acetate/acetic acid). Particularly used for available P." . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for HydraulicConductivity."@en . . . . . . "skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel are pairwise\n disjoint properties."@en . . . "Holocene anthropogeomorphic"@en . "metamorphic limestone (marble)"@en . . "CEC_ph7-unkn" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab295 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab296 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1096 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1097 . . . "ignimbrite"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab721 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab548 . "By convention, skos:broader is only used to assert an immediate (i.e. direct) hierarchical link between two conceptual resources."@en . . "WaterRetentionVolumetric100kPa"@en . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "pHCaCl2"@en . . "Code list for peatDecompostionValue - codelist scheme"@en . "halite"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab785 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "KQ" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab322 . "AV" . . . "Carbon - total humic"@en . "Code list for ErosionAreaAffectedValue - codelist class"@en . . "TM" . "SE" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab51 . "Blue"@en . . "IA" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab581 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab582 . "any content, but concentrated at a distinct depth of a horizon" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1106 . "WaterRetentionGravimetric500kPa"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab156 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1047 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab54 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab55 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab843 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab492 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab493 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1049 . . "pHH2O_ratio1-2.5"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab434 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab435 . "CC" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab127 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab511 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab512 . "Extr_hcl-h2so4-nelso"@en . "Low" . "This code list provides the SandyTextureValue."@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab497 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab804 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab805 . . . . "Fine"@en . . . "Code list for mineralConcColourValue - codelist scheme"@en . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-disp-spec"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1164 . . . . "M" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab275 . . . . "Extremely wide > 10cm"@en . "H" . "KSat_calcul-ptf-saxton" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Q" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 20,2" . . . . "soft concretions"@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab553 . "Severe"@en . "Code list for mineralConcNatureValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab320 . "Non-coherent." . "Abundant"@en . "silt and clay"@en . "Manganese"@en . . . . . "40\u201380" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for surfaceAge."@en . "This code list provides the BleachedSandValue."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab509 . "WE" . . . "Slightly plastic"@en . "CaSO4_gy05"@en . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-64-2000um)-fractions adjusted to sum up to 100%" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab800 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab801 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab940 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1189 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1190 . "Channels"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for weatherConditions."@en . "Mehlich3 method (extractant 0.2 N CH3COOH + 0.25 N NH4NO3 + 0.015 N NH4F + 0.013 N HNO3 + 0.001 M EDTA)" . . "Code list for poresAbundanceValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab590 . "Former weather conditions (Ad-hoc-AG-Boden, 2005)" . "Iron (Fe) - pyrophosphate extractable"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab212 . . "Code list for porosity analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab918 . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1078 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1079 . . "Acidified. Dry combustion at 1200 C and colometric CO2 measurement (Schlichting et al. 1995)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab196 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab197 . "P retention at ~pH4.6 (acc. Blakemore 1987)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab983 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab984 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab631 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab632 . . "ST" . "Calcium carbonate"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab221 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab222 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab315 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab953 . "Oi" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 26" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab252 . "Code list for floodDurationValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Continuous"@en . . . . "Lu_Co" . "FragmentsVolumetricTotal"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab955 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab352 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab234 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1168 . "CEC buffered at pH 8.0-8.5, in unknown exchange solution" . . . . "AP2" . . . . "Clay and humus (organic matter)"@en . "Lu_Te" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab224 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab19 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab151 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab152 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab880 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab881 . . . . "SE1" . . "editorial note"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab195 . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab349 . "20mm\u201360mm" . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . "table is missing" . . . "Position in undulating to mountainous terrain: Middle slope (back slope)" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 8" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab220 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab221 . . "SSS" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1030 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab166 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab167 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab638 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab639 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab136 . "KSat_calcul-ptf-genuchten" . "Cemented mass is brittle and hard, but can be broken in the hands." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab838 . "Aciexc" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab770 . . . "IU3" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for CarbonTotal."@en . "Moderate"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab995 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Textsand" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab937 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab938 . "clastic sediments"@en . "Very few"@en . "ExchAcid_ph0-unk"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab90 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab294 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab295 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: 20,1" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab3 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab4 . . . . . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for erosionCategory."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab384 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab966 . . . . . . . . "SD" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1043 . "OrgC_acid-dc-ht-analyser" . . . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 20,2" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "pHH2O (soil reaction) in water saturated paste" . "A" . "Calculated as sum of inorganic carbon and organic carbon" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab916 . "Dissolution of carbonates by Phosphoric acid [H3PO4], external heat (dry combustion)" . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-20-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-laser" . "Dominant"@en . "pHNaF_ratio1-5" . "SC2" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab143 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab348 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab349 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab579 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab388 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab389 . . "sand and gravel"@en . "F" . . "BlkDensF_fe-cl-unkn" . "pHNaF_ratio1-2"@en . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-disp-laser" . _:ub1bL15C9 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1041 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab11 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab12 . . . "RetentP_unkn-spec"@en . "FulAcidC_unk"@en . . . . "Code list for PeatVolumeValue - codelist class"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for rockShape."@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for carbonInorganic."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1019 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1020 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab421 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab214 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab110 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab691 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab692 . . . "A general note, for any purpose."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab883 . "Treatment with H2SO4 N/2 acid followed by titration with NaOH N/2 in presence of an indicator" . . . "BD3" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab494 . "pHH2O_unkn-spec"@en . "Procedures for CationExchangeCapacitySoil - codelist class"@en . . "Fr_Ci" . "Combination of classes"@en . . . . "WRG100" . "0" . . . "0\u20135"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab803 . . "< 2 mm (number)1\u201320 ;> 2 mm (number)1\u20132" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1075 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab370 . . . "CaCO3_acid-ch3cooh-unk"@en . "Code list for coarseFragments analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . "Code list for StructureSizeValue - codelist class"@en . "Code list for BoundaryDistinctnessValue - codelist class"@en . . . . . "Whole earth. Type of sample unknown, at unknown humidity, not corrected for coarse fragments if any" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab647 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab648 . . "SWD1" . "CEC unbuffered at pH of the soil, in Cobalt(III) hexamine chloride solution 0,0166M (Cohex) [Co[NH3]6]Cl3 ), ISO 23470 (2007) exchange solution" . "MC" . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-20-2000um)-no dispersion-hydrometer" . . . "This code list provides the CracksDistanceValue."@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab10 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab11 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab560 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab561 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1112 . . "Exch bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) buffered at pH 7, in 1M NH4OAc" . . "Very few"@en . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab975 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1202 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1203 . . . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-50-2000um)-field estimate" . . "T" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab615 . . "Calcimeter method (volumetric after adition of dilute acid)" . . "Method of Kurtz-Bray I (0.025 M HCl + 0.03 M NH4F). Particularly used for available P." . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab917 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab918 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "Oi_Su" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab302 . . . . . . "sandstone, greywacke, arkose"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 41" . "Ce_Mi" . "Code list for hydraulicConductivity analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "VC" . "history note"@en . "Late Pleistocene, ice covered"@en . . . "CaCO3_acid-hcl-dc" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab942 . . . "pHKCl_ratio1-2"@en . "C" . "BlkDensF_fe-cl-fc" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab739 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab538 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for sand."@en . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-50-2000um)-no dispersion-hydrometer" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab260 . . "PAWHC_calcul-fc200wp" . . "Code list for mineralConcKindValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "Extr_hno3" . . "Fresh or slightly weathered"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab481 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1084 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1085 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab695 . "SF" . . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-disp-laser" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab510 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab511 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab225 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab226 . "Code list for mineralConcSizeValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . . "Code list for textureUnconsolidatedValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "1" . "evaporites"@en . . . . . "FV3" . . . . "(mm)" . "U" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab525 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab758 . "4" . "Cuesta-shaped"@en . "Oi_So" . "N" . "Gibbsite"@en . . . "Leguminous"@en . "Code list for ConsistenceMoistValue - codelist class"@en . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab939 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1171 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1172 . "OrgC_acid-dc-spec"@en . "CaCO3_ca06"@en . "> 50"@en . "slightly hard to hard"@en . "None"@en . "SlbAn_calcul-unk"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1044 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1045 . "Non-sticky"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1074 . . "Code list for surfaceAgeValue - codelist scheme"@en . "CaCO3_ca07"@en . "Discontinuous irregular"@en . "AS" . . "N" . "Total_tp10" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab941 . "F" . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-50-2000um)-no dispersion-hydrometer-Bouyoucos" . . . "Fo_Al" . . "C" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab963 . "High"@en . . . . . "BlkDensF_fe-unkn-od" . . "GR" . "15\u201340" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "is in semantic relation with"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab382 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab504 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab58 . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 56" . "Code list for RockOutcropsCoverValue - codelist class"@en . . "01" . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 55" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1152 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1153 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab599 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab600 . . "A" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1148 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1149 . . "Code list for bulkDensityMineralValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-50-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion" . "Code list for CarbonatesFormsValue - codelist class"@en . "Shiny faces (as in nitic horizon)"@en . . "Exch bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) unknown buffer, in EDTA solution" . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab687 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab289 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab290 . . . "Clay"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab589 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab590 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1159 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab941 . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-20-2000um)-no dispersion-laser" . . . "UL2" . "Late Pleistocene, without periglacial influence."@en . "low"@en . . "T" . "06" . "The layer is largely constructed from cemented nodules or concretions of irregular shape." . "Landfill (also sanitary)"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab465 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab650 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab9 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for slopePathways."@en . "C" . "\u2248 0\u20135 EC = < 1.8 dS m-1 in 10 g soil/250 ml H2O" . "ST" . . . . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 72" . . . . . "A" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab358 . . . . . "Hard"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab878 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab551 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab552 . "VC" . "By convention, skos:broader is only used to assert an immediate (i.e. direct) hierarchical link between two conceptual resources."@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1039 . . "15%\u201340%" . "sunny/clear"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab928 . . . "SWDT" . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for coatingLocation."@en . . "Citrus"@en . "Nitrogen (N) - total"@en . "serpentinite, greenstone"@en . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 75,2" . . "AA6" . _:ub1bL12144C16 . "Undrained"@en . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 63" . . "R" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1160 . . . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 1" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab588 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab589 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1074 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1075 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Total_xtf-t" . "CT" . "UG2 glacio-fluvial sand"@en . . "definition"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for boundaryTopography."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab194 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab195 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1090 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab280 . "Extr_hcl-nh4f-bray2"@en . . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Relates a resource (for example a concept) to a concept scheme in which it is included."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1151 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab482 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab483 . "Phosphorus (P) - extractable"@en . "Ridged "@en . . . "FX" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab475 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab476 . "2\u20135" . "F" . "OC * 1.72 / 20 (gives C/N=11.6009)" . "Strongly gypsiric"@en . . . . . . "Aggregates are clearly observable in place and there is a prominent arrangement of natural surfaces of weakness. When disturbed, the soil material separates mainly into entire aggregates. Aggregates surfaces generally differ markedly from aggregate interiors." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab287 . "B" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab639 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab640 . . "TotalN_dc-ht-dumas"@en . . "OV" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab772 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab773 . . "Ve" . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab654 . "Schlichting E, Blume HP, Stahr K (1995) Soils Practical (in German). Blackwell, Berlin" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab456 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . "sedimentary rock (unconsolidated)"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab526 . . . "Code list for baseSaturation analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . . "soft to slightly hard" . "BlkDensF_fe-rpl-unk"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab797 . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for mineralConcKind."@en . . "Essential elements are missing from the description, preventing a satisfactory soil characterization and classification." . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab550 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "BD2" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab430 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab431 . "Iropyr" . . "B" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab6 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab7 . . "SC" . . . . . "OrgC_acid-dc-spec" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab702 . . . "Code list for landformComplexValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab711 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab712 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab432 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab433 . . . "CEC_ph0-nh4oac"@en . "BD3" . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u" . . "Medium"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab714 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab715 . . "Sulfur (S) - total"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab230 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab231 . . "TotalN_tn08" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1056 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1057 . . . . "Code list for mineralFragmentsValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab184 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab185 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab490 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab491 . "1" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab165 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab166 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab442 . . . . "Bottom (drainage line)"@en . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-disp-spec"@en . . . "CaCO3_ca01"@en . "Total_tp10"@en . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1096 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Porosity calculated from volumetric moisture content at pF 0 (1 cm)" . "V" . . . "EC_ratio1-10" . . . "This code list provides the LithologyValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1063 . "2mm\u20136mm" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1114 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1115 . . . "Phosphorus (P) - total"@en . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "ISRIC Report 2019/01: Tier 1 and Tier 2 data in the context of the federated Global Soil Information System. Appendix 3" . "CEC unbuffered at pH of the soil, in 1 M NH4-chloride exchange solution (0.2-1.0 M)" . . . "M Medium"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1032 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1033 . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for coatingNature."@en . . "SC3" . "F" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab576 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab577 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab721 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab722 . "6mm\u201320mm" . "Code list for extractableElements analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab858 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab859 . . "Code list for RockSizeValue - codelist class"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab921 . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for rockAbundance."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1125 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1126 . . "Wind deposition"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab654 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab655 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab121 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab122 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1026 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1027 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab828 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab829 . . . . . "OrgC_wc-cro3-jackson" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab884 . "CaCO3_acid-ch3cooh-nodc" . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for weathering."@en . . . . "IP3" . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-disp-spec"@en . "WC3" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab390 . "Code list for waterRetentionProperty - codelist scheme"@en . . . . . "Semi-nomadism"@en . "Hypodermic coatings (Hypodermic coatings, as used here, are field-scale features, commonly only expressed as hydromorphic features. Micromorphological hypodermic coatings include non-redox features [Bullock et al., 1985].)"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for contrast."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab153 . . . "04" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab502 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab954 . . . "5\u201315" . . "SO2" . . "This code list provides the ContrastValue."@en . "Extremely salty"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab570 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab571 . . . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . "\u2248 5\u201315 EC = > 1.8 dS m-1 in 10 g soil/250 ml H2O" . . . "dissected plain"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1201 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1202 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab399 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab400 . . "Dissolution of carbonates by Hydrochloric acid [HCl], or Perchloric acid [HClO4], external heat unknown" . . . "10-25(%)" . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 50" . "Very thick"@en . "1\u20132 10\u201320 5\u201310" . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-nodisp"@en . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 41" . . . . "M" . "pHCaCl2 (soil reaction) in 1:2.5 soil/CaCl2 solution (0.01-1 M)" . "This property should not be used directly, but as a super-property for all properties denoting a relationship of meaning between concepts."@en . . . . "Fo_Pu" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab451 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab865 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab152 . "Large boulders"@en . "plain"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab398 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab409 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab410 . . "Non-coherent." . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab242 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab789 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab790 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab197 . "WE" . "Sorghum"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab944 . . "0.04\u20130.07g cm-3"@en . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "Carbon (C) - pyrophosphate extractable"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab198 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab641 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab397 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab98 . "Soil augering description - no sampling"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab271 . . "Code list for cementationNatureValue - codelist scheme"@en . "5%\u201315%" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab415 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab416 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab998 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab999 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab515 . . "pHH2O_ratio1-10" . . "SU" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for coarseFragments."@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1077 . . "CoaFra" . "Extr_hcl-h2so4-nelson" . . "5" . . . "CaCO3_ca12" . "Extr_naoac-morgan" . "P" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab632 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab633 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab51 . . . . "BD5" . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 47" . . . . "SandWaterDispersible03"@en . . . . "Few"@en . . "Hard"@en . "PD2" . . . . . "pHH2O_ratio1-5" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab540 . "Code list for VoidsClassificationValue - codelist class"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Whole earth. Clod samples (natural clods), at field capacity (0.33 bar, 33 kPa, 330 cm, pF 2.5), not corrected for coarse fragments if any" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab129 . . . "Code list for biologicalFeaturesValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Basexc" . "This code list provides the BulkDensityPeatValue."@en . . "pHKCl_ratio1-5"@en . "A" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab890 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab891 . "SA" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab360 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab361 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab655 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab656 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1050 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1154 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab775 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab776 . "WG" . . "Weathered"@en . . . . . . "N" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab812 . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-nodisp-spec" . "S" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab519 . . . "Weakly cemented"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab748 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab116 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab839 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab840 . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for TotalCarbonateEquivalent."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab206 . "N" . . . . "Ot_Ru" . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for profileDescriptionStatus."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab932 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab444 . . "0\u20132" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab301 . "Code list for coatingContrastValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "Code list for organicMatterClassValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab84 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab667 . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 17" . . . . "MP" . . "Coarse gravel"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab44 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for mottlesSize."@en . "Dry combustion" . . "Copext" . "Selective felling"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab713 . "\u2248 0\u20132 Slightly calcareous Audible effervescence but not visible."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab684 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab850 . "Loamy very fine sand"@en . . "Whole earth. Core sampling (pF rings), at oven dry, not corrected for coarse fragments if any" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab503 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab504 . "SV"@en . . "If soil description is done without sampling." . . "VMC_ud-co"@en . . . . "Medium 2\u201310"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab946 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab947 . "D" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1134 . . . . "Code list for slopeGradientClassValue - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab830 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab831 . "Active in recent past"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab265 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab266 . "Reddish"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab881 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab882 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab582 . "Medium sand"@en . "I" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab363 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab364 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab692 . . . . "Extremely gypsiric"@en . "Extr_ap15"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab291 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab292 . . . . "F" . . . . . . . "Unacidified dry combustion at medium temperature (550-950 C)." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1037 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1038 . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-64-2000um)-field estimate" . "Magext" . . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 6" . . "2%\u201315%" . . "This code list provides the MineralConcNatureValue."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab745 . "MC" . . "Wet oxidation according to Jackson (1958) with chromic acid digestion" . "Gravimetric after dissolution in 0.2 N HCl (USSR-method)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab179 . . "LD" . . . . "RS" . . "OrgM_calcul-oc1.73"@en . . . . . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 29" . "Ce_Ry" . . . . . . . "Thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading lists, taxonomies, 'folksonomies', and other types of controlled vocabulary are all examples of concept schemes. Concept schemes are also embedded in glossaries and terminologies."@en . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-nodisp-pipette" . . "CS" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab885 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1200 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1201 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab680 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab452 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab400 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab401 . "Burrows (unspecified)"@en . "Bernard calcimeter (Total CaCO3)" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1209 . "Apples"@en . . "< 2" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab277 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab470 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab864 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab865 . . . . . . . . "Bridges between sand grains"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab738 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1061 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1062 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab970 . "Mehlich1 method" . "Coarse artefacts"@en . . . "2" . "CaCO3_ca09"@en . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab420 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab421 . . . . "Rock fragments"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab882 . . _:ub1bL17C9 . "Non-irrigated tree crop cultivation"@en . "This ontology is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO License - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/igo/"@en . "Clearing"@en . "Late Pleistocene, ice covered, commonly recent soil formation on fresh materials." . . "WaterRetentionVolumetric200kPa"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab677 . "Irregular"@en . . "Ot" . . . "Sum of soluble cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na)" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab967 . "Saturated hydraulic conductivity. Double ring method" . "TotalN_bremner"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab18 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab19 . . "Very hard"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab327 . . . "Coniferous forest"@en . . "Subrounded"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab893 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab894 . "Sample digested by sulphuric acid, distillation of released ammonia, back titration against sulpuric acid" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab624 . . . "shale"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab898 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab899 . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for bulkDensityFineEarth."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab659 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab660 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab609 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab610 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab95 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab96 . "TV" . . "Magnesium (Mg) - extractable"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab934 . "Total_xrf"@en . . . . "VMC_d-ww"@en . "If soil description is done without sampling." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab113 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab114 . . . "Boulders"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab612 . "Artefacts"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab638 . . "ExchAcid_ph0-nh4cl"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab751 . . "Deciduous dwarf shrub"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab338 . . "K" . . "Calsol" . . "Code list for MajorLandFormValue - codelist class"@en . "Relates a concept to a concept with which there is an associative semantic relationship."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab185 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab186 . "gneiss rich in Fe\u2013Mg minerals"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab106 . "moderate"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1171 . . "SlbCat_calcul-unk"@en . "CEC_ph-unkn-lioac"@en . . . . . . . "0" . "2\u20135"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1046 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1047 . "Ce_Pa" . . . . "pHNaF_sat"@en . . "C" . . . . "EHA" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab770 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab771 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1124 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab109 . "Common "@en . "RA" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "ironstone"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab406 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab407 . "SSF4" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab86 . "PAWHC_calcul-fc200wp"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab820 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab821 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab264 . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-fld" . "ExchBases_ph8-bacl2tea"@en . "Sodexc" . "Code list for carbonatesContentValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab381 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab382 . "This code list provides the TextureUnconsolidatedValue."@en . . "2mm\u20136mm" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab18 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 59,2" . "YB" . . . "Vegetation strongly disturbed"@en . "Extr_m1" . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: figure 3" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab749 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab750 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab833 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab834 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab826 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab525 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab526 . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-nodisp-laser" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab636 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab637 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1076 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1077 . . "MU" . . . . . "Border irrigation"@en . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for cracksWidth."@en . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-disp-laser" . . "metamorphic rock"@en . . "Code list for cropClassValue - codelist scheme"@en . "SC1" . "Code list for MineralConcVolumeValue - codelist class"@en . "Code list for bulkDensityPeatValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Nitrite (NO2-) - soluble"@en . . . "SSF7" . "Level"@en . . "Exch bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) unbuffered, in Cobalt(III) hexamine chloride solution 0,0166M (Cohex) [Co[NH3]6]Cl3 ), ISO 23470 (2007)" . . "pHH2O_ratio1-1"@en . "Rainwater-fed moor peat"@en . "Moderately widely spaced 0.5\u20132"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab682 . . . . "Fr_Gr" . "WD" . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Procedures for PH - codelist class"@en . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-adj100"@en . "The layer is more than 90 percent cemented or compacted, and is only interrupted in places by cracks or fissures." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab655 . "Present weather conditions (Schoeneberger et al., 2002)" . "Reserves"@en . "UU1" . . . . . . . . "Aluexc" . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 27" . "S = Settlement, industry"@en . . "Ro_Ca" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab63 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab64 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab731 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab111 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab112 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab568 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab569 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab311 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab312 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab235 . "SL" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab716 . "Young natural"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1093 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1094 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab48 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab49 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab846 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab829 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab830 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab583 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab584 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 6" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab129 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab130 . "KSat_calcul-ptf-genucht"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab466 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab467 . . "C" . "TotalN_dc-spec"@en . "Ccetot" . . . . "TotalN_bremner" . "TS" . "has narrower"@en . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-disp-hydrometer" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab904 . "Acidity - exchangeable"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1180 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1181 . "limestone, other carbonate rock"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab309 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab666 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab217 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab218 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab628 . "IM" . "SiltWaterDispersibleFraction01"@en . "CaCO3_ca09" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Complexation with citric acid (van Reeuwijk). Particularly used for available P." . "CrsFrg_fld" . "RM" . "SHH" . "This code list provides the MajorLandFormValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab633 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab634 . "> 15" . "Dissolution of carbonates by acid, external heat (dry combustion)" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab325 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab791 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab792 . . . "EC_ratio1-10"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1037 . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . . "F" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1166 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1167 . . . . "AC" . "Extr_h2so4-truog"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 81" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "VMC_ud-cl"@en . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-50-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-pipette" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab500 . "pHH2O" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab634 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab635 . "VMC_d-ww" . "Ha" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab527 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab149 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab150 . "C" . . . . "This code list provides the WaterRetentionProperty."@en . . "Code list for coatingNatureValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "ISRIC Report 2019/01: Tier 1 and Tier 2 data in the context of the federated Global Soil Information System. Appendix 3" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab567 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab741 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab742 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab742 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab743 . "Infilled large burrows"@en . "Older Pleistocene, without periglacial influence."@en . "Code list for MineralConcKindValue - codelist class"@en . . "Slight"@en . . "pHKCl"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab653 . . "Total_tp03" . . . . . "pHCaCl2_ratio1-10" . . . "oPi" . "CaCO3_acid-ch3cooh-dc"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab722 . "> 20mm" . "industrial/artisanal deposits"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab197 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab198 . "D5.1" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab118 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab119 . "A resource has no more than one value of skos:prefLabel per language tag, and no more than one value of skos:prefLabel without language tag."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab256 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab257 . "2%\u20135%" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab75 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab76 . "C" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab300 . "Acidified. Loss on ignition (NL)" . "This code list provides the PeatDrainageValue."@en . "table is missing!" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab541 . "Total_hno3-aquafortis"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab743 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab744 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab771 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab772 . "FE" . "CaCO3_ca01" . "3"@en . . "E" . . . . "Diffuse"@en . . "Lu" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1187 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1188 . . . "RI" . "plateau"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab586 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab794 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab795 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab599 . . . "Code list for carbonTotal analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1017 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1018 . "Code list for MineralFragmentsValue - codelist class"@en . . . "clay"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab156 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab157 . . "CaCO3_acid-dc" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab170 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab42 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab536 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab537 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1001 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1002 . . "5\u201315" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab823 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab824 . . "Relates two concepts coming, by convention, from different schemes, and that have comparable meanings"@en . "lPf" . . "YE" . "Boron (B) - extractable"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1084 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab888 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab325 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab326 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab274 . . "Code list for mottlesAbundanceValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . . . "Code list for MineralConcColourValue - codelist class"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab521 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1081 . . "OrgC_dc-lt-loi" . . . "ME" . . . . "ClaySizeFraction01"@en . . "FragmentsVolumetric01"@en . . . "Grasses"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab125 . . "BlkDensW_we-cl-od" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1103 . . "Procedures for Porosity - codelist class"@en . "Very young natural"@en . "Dissolution of carbonates by acid, external heat unknown" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab649 . "Potassium (K+) - soluble"@en . . . "HF" . "Bottom (flat)"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab46 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab47 . . "Total_hclo4"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab953 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab954 . . . "V" . "Extr_nahco3-olsen" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1188 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab512 . . . . "A concept may be a member of more than one concept scheme."@en . . "LCS" . . . . "Collection"@en . "CaCl2. Particularly used for soluble P." . . "Bascal" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab438 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab397 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab398 . "Aluminium (Al) - pyrophosphate extractable"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab249 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab250 . "Acidified. Dry combustion at 500 C" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . "Grapes, Wine, Raisins"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: figure 4,3" . . "15%\u201340%" . "4" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1014 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab361 . . "Nit2" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab462 . . "Extr_hcl-nh4f-bray1"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab827 . "Older Pleistocene, ice covered, commonly the recent soil formation on younger over older, preweathered materials." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab477 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for cementationDegree."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1161 . "Elec. conductivity in saturated paste (ECe)" . . . "Medium"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1177 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1178 . . . . "BlkDensF_fe-co-unk"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab610 . "Code list for BleachedSandValue - codelist class"@en . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1208 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1209 . "This code list provides the LandformComplexValue."@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for mineralConcSize."@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab728 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1105 . "SPP" . . "Code list for fragmentCoverValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Few"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1029 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1030 . "Code list for BoundaryTopographyValue - codelist class"@en . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab671 . . . . "WRV6" . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u" . "Code list for MineralConcShapeValue - codelist class"@en . "Sand texture fraction"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1197 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1198 . "Code list for TextureUnconsolidatedValue - codelist class"@en . . . "VU" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1035 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1036 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1149 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1150 . . . "Code list for bleachedSandValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab211 . "Nitric acid attack. Particularly used for Total P." . "W" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1048 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1049 . "Code list for mineralConcVolumeValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab91 . "Code list for erosionCategoryValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Code list for textureSum analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "WRV200" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1188 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab169 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab60 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab139 . "Whole earth. Clod samples (natural clods), at unknown humidity, not corrected for coarse fragments if any" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab143 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab627 . "Unacidified. Dry combustion at high temperature (e.g. 1200 C and colometric CO2 measurement (Schlichting et al. 1995)" . . "C" . "CEC_ph0-ag-thioura"@en . "Former weather conditions (Ad-hoc-AG-Boden, 2005)" . . . . "Toe slope"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1011 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab544 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab545 . "0%\u20132%" . . "F" . . . . . "Magtot" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab354 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab355 . "OrgC_calcul-tc-ic"@en . . . "Total_tp09" . . . "CaCO3_acid-dc"@en . "SV5" . "TotC_dc-mt" . . "Code list for fragmentsClassValue - codelist scheme"@en . "This code list provides the BoundaryDistinctnessValue."@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1117 . . "VC" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1180 . . . "SC" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab115 . "Pedotubules"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab114 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab115 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab359 . . . "SSFT" . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 11" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab632 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab373 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab374 . "SandSizeFraction01"@en . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for phosphorusRetention."@en . "Flood irrigation"@en . . "VST" . . . "skos:narrowMatch is used to state a hierarchical mapping link between two conceptual resources in different concept schemes."@en . . "Many"@en . "Wavy"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab171 . . "TotalN_dc"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab268 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab269 . "Medium grassland"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 76" . . "CEC_ph8-nh4oac" . "\u2248 2\u201310 Moderately calcareous Visible effervescence."@en . "The mottles are conspicuous and mottling is one of the outstanding features of the horizon. Hue, chroma and value alone or in combination are at least several units apart." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab564 . "SandWaterDispersible01"@en . "Deciduous shrub"@en . "CEC_ph8-licl2tea"@en . "SX" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab585 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab586 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab144 . . . . "This code list provides the SaltThicknessValue."@en . "Code list for bulkDensityFineEarth analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab510 . . "ExchBases_ph-unkn-m3"@en . . . . "5\u201315" . "Ce_Oa" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "WaterRetentionVolumetric33kPa"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1139 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab308 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab160 . . "SumTxtr_calcul"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab541 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab542 . "Code list for availableWaterHoldingCapacity analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "Cemented mass cannot be broken in the hands but is discontinuous (less than 90 percent of soil mass)." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab295 . "OrgC_acid-dc-ht"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab422 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab423 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab859 . "pHCaCl2_sat" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab347 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab403 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab404 . "schist"@en . "SWD5" . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab42 . . . "BOf" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab82 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for humanInfluenceClass."@en . . . . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-fld"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab213 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab792 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab793 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab687 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab688 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab720 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab971 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1110 . . . . . "CNC" . "table is missing!" . . . "Aggregates are observable in place and there is a distinct arrangement of natural surfaces of weakness. When disturbed, the soil material breaks into a mixture of many entire aggregates, some broken aggregates, and little material without aggregates faces. Aggregates surfaces generally show distinct differences with the aggregates interiors." . "IB" . "Wet rice cultivation"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab883 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab884 . . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab307 . "H = Animal husbandry"@en . "F" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab481 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab482 . "Clay\u2013sesquioxides"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab480 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab481 . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-20-2000um)-no dispersion" . . . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-disp-hydrometer-bouy"@en . . . "Extremely hard"@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab879 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab880 . "BlkDensF_fe-unk"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab985 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab986 . . . . "Sodium (Na+) - soluble"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab164 . . "H2SO4" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab119 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab120 . . . . . "Crest (summit)"@en . . . "FGF4" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for ExtractableElements."@en . "Total_tp08"@en . . "IA4" . "BO" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab140 . "Procedures for CarbonOrganic - codelist class"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab340 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab764 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab765 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab455 . . "ExchBases_ph8-unkn" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1150 . . "Total_hcl" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab451 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab452 . "moderately strong"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1121 . "Code list for saltContentValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-disp" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab199 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab847 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab259 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab826 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab827 . "This ontology represents GLOSIS code lists extracted from the data model for the Global Soil Information System (GloSIS) v1.0, edited by Tomas Reznik and Katharina Schleidt"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1176 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1177 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . . "> 20mm" . . "MO" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1023 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1024 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1012 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1013 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab355 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1132 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1133 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab249 . "Pressure faces"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab39 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab40 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1101 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab371 . . "Older Pleistocene, with periglacial influence"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab461 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab462 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab592 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab593 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab463 . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-64-2000um)-no dispersion-hydrometer-Bouyoucos" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab73 . . "ECe_sat"@en . . "pHCaCl2_ratio1-5" . . . . "Clay (argillaceous)"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab29 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab30 . "Pi" . "ISRIC Report 2019/01: Tier 1 and Tier 2 data in the context of the federated Global Soil Information System. Appendix 3" . "Code list for ErosionTotalAreaAffectedValue - codelist class"@en . "ME" . "Oi_Ol" . . . "CV" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "HI" . "DO" . . "< 2 mm (number)> 200 ;> 2 mm (number)> 20" . "OrgC_acid-dc-mt"@en . . . "CEC_ph8-unkn" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1146 . "FS" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab282 . . . "Code list for RockShapeValue - codelist class"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1156 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1157 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab496 . "Clear"@en . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 10" . "Cemented mass cannot be broken in the hands and is continuous (more than 90 percent of soil mass)." . "Code list for carbonOrganic analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab769 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab796 . . . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Code list for SaltContentValue - codelist class"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1187 . "V" . "SL" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab484 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab821 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab822 . . "medium-gradient escarpment zone"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab52 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab53 . "WRG" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab144 . . "Total humic carbon_unknown method" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1099 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1100 . . "Pl" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab676 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab677 . . "Bananas"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab120 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab755 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab522 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1144 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1145 . "Very fine"@en . "Code list for ContrastValue - codelist class"@en . . "example"@en . . "CaSO4_gy04" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1045 . . . "Dissolution of carbonates by Hydrochloric acid [HCl], or Perchloric acid [HClO4], no external (no dry combustion)" . . . . . "Spectrally measured and converted to Unacidified dry combustion at high temperature (950-1400 C)." . . "Sapric"@en . "SN" . "pHKCl_ratio1-2.5"@en . . . "2mm\u20136mm" . . . "Deciduous woodland"@en . "Extr_hcl-nh4f-kurtz-bray"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab103 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab175 . . "Calcium (Ca++) - soluble"@en . "Nit3" . . . . "I" . . "This code list provides the CementationContinuityValue."@en . . . "CaSO4_gy06"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab545 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab546 . . "This code list provides the CoatingFormValue."@en . "Clay and sesquioxides"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab248 . "materials with vesicular pores, mineral soils with andic properties. Sample disintegrates at the instant of sampling, many pores visible onthe pit wall. Sample disintegrates at the instant of sampling, many pores visible on the pit wall. Loamy soils with high clay content, clayey soils When dropped, sample disintegrates into numerous fragments, further disintegration of subfragments after application of weak pressure." . . . "ultrabasic igneous"@en . . "SST" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1013 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1014 . . . . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 54" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab906 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for BaseSaturation."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab209 . . "M" . "Short grassland"@en . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for landUseClass."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab214 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab215 . . . . "This code list provides the CementationNatureValue."@en . . . "Position in undulating to mountainous terrain: Crest (summit)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab126 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab127 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 19" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab276 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab79 . . . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-64-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-hydrometer" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab689 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab690 . "Ordered Collection"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1149 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab834 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab835 . . . . . . . . . . "HI" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab905 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab906 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab498 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab499 . "BI" . . . "Code list for mineralConcShapeValue - codelist scheme"@en . "0.11\u20130.17g cm-3"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab552 . . . "ISRIC Report 2019/01: Tier 1 and Tier 2 data in the context of the federated Global Soil Information System. Appendix 3" . . "ST" . "09" . "pHKCl_sat" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1153 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1154 . . "Tree and shrub cropping"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1098 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1099 . . "TotalN_calcul" . "Code list for erosionDegreeValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab419 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab420 . "Sand coatings"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab331 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab332 . "Dominant"@en . "AP" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1090 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1091 . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for structureGrade."@en . . . . . "WC5" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1034 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1035 . . "This code list provides the WeatherConditionsValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab474 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab475 . . . "Dissolution of carbonates by acid, no external (no dry combustion)" . "Older Pleistocene, without periglacial influence." . . "Fo_Le" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab81 . "pHH2O (soil reaction) in 1:5 soil/water solution" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab22 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab23 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 67" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab619 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab851 . . "Procedures for TextureSum - codelist class"@en . . "OrgC_acid-dc-lt" . . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 30" . . . "Extr_nahco3-ols"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab483 . . "Extr_ap20" . . . "S" . "Evergreen broad-leaved forest"@en . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1009 . . . "CaCO3_acid-ch3cooh-nodc"@en . . "Recreational use"@en . "Thin"@en . . "Mechanical"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab813 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab814 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab823 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab383 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab384 . . "Code list for erosionAreaAffectedValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . . . . "15\u201340 4 2\u20135" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab931 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab392 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab393 . . "Code list for moistureContent analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1112 . . . "Although not striking, the mottles are readily seen. The hue, chroma and value of the matrix are easily distinguished from those of the mottles. They may vary by as much as 2.5 units of hue or several units in chroma or value." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab789 . "AZ" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab988 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab989 . . . "Very few"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for textureUnconsolidated."@en . "WR" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1185 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1186 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab786 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab321 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab322 . . "SE2" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab479 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab480 . "C" . "F" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1038 . "Carbonate (CO3--) - soluble"@en . . "2" . . "Coarse sand"@en . "CaCO3_ca02" . . . "M" . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "Silt texture fraction"@en . "3.1" . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 76" . . "FM" . . "This code list provides the MineralConcHardnessValue."@en . "P = Nature protection"@en . . "SWDFT" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for bulkDensityWholeSoil."@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . "A lexical label for a resource that should be hidden when generating visual displays of the resource, but should still be accessible to free text search operations."@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab363 . "Spectrally measured and converted to N by dry combustion" . "Organic carbon * 1,73" . "Herbaceous"@en . . "Holocene natural"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab717 . . "Furrow irrigation"@en . "Sulfate (SO4--) - soluble"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab984 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab985 . . . . . "Total_unkn" . . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for physiography."@en . "S" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab700 . "Magsol" . "C" . "This code list provides the CementationFabricValue."@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 26" . . . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: figure 2" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1099 . . . . "TE" . . "CaCO3_acid-h2so4-unk"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab429 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab430 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab620 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab621 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1142 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1143 . "F = Forestry"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 53" . "Nodular"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab403 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab491 . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for bulkDensityMineral."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab422 . . . "2\u20135 2 20\u201350" . . . "< 2 mm (number)0;> 2 mm (number)0" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab825 . "R" . "This code list provides the ErosionAreaAffectedValue."@en . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for biologicalFeatures."@en . "TotalN_nelson" . "Code list for boundaryClassificationValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . . . "L" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab807 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab808 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1198 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1199 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for rockSize."@en . . "5cm\u201315cm" . . . . "strong"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab803 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab804 . . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab562 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab563 . "Magnesium (Mg++) - exchangeable"@en . . . "CEC_ph7-edta"@en . "Particles > 2 mm measured in laboratory (sieved after light pounding). May include concretions and very hard aggregates" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab52 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab707 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab708 . . "SA" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab535 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab536 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab340 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab341 . "Code list for peatDrainageValue - codelist scheme"@en . "6mm\u201320mm" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab834 . "M" . . . . . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-64-2000um)" . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-nodisp-hydrometer-bouy"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "This code list provides analysis procedures for extractableElements."@en . _:ub1bL12144C16 . "UG3 glacio-fluvial gravel"@en . . "Darrell W Nelson, Lee E Sommers, Total Nitrogen Analysis of Soil and Plant Tissues, Journal of Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Volume 63, Issue 4, 1 July 1980, Pages 770\u2013778," . "Xeromorphic woodland"@en . "D" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab463 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab464 . . . "Fibric" . "D" . "0%" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab556 . . . "Code list for slopePathwaysValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1118 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab807 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab112 . "SPL" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1017 . "LVFS" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1078 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab924 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab925 . "Code list for MineralConcHardnessValue - codelist class"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab281 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab282 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1064 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab246 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab247 . . "OrgC_wc"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab625 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab626 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab417 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab418 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab478 . . . "pHCaCl2 (soil reaction) in saturated paste" . . "T" . . . . "Position in undulating to mountainous terrain: Upper slope (shoulder)" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 1" . "skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel are pairwise disjoint properties."@en . "Terracing"@en . . "Code list for BulkDensityMineralValue - codelist class"@en . . . . "Sodsol" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab919 . "Pressure calcimeter (Nelson, 1982)" . . . "Discontinuous spherical or elliptical voids (chambers) of sedimentary origin or formed by compressed air, e.g. gas bubbles in slaking crusts after heavy rainfall. Relatively unimportant in connection with plant growth." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1048 . "Magnesium (Mg++) - soluble"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1058 . "BlkDensW_we-co-unk"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab121 . "This code list provides the StructureGradeValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab215 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab216 . . "OrgC_wc-cro3-knopp"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab627 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab628 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab189 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab190 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab891 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab177 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab178 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab418 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab419 . "InOrgC_calcul-caco3"@en . . "Surface of coatings contrasts strongly in smoothness or colour with the adjacent surfaces. Outlines of fine sand grains are not visible. Lamellae are more than 5 mm thick." . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1078 . "Former weather conditions (Ad-hoc-AG-Boden, 2005)" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab15 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab16 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab757 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab707 . "scope note"@en . . . . "Magexc" . "CaCO3_acid-nodc"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab597 . "Exch bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) spectrally measured and converted to, unknown buffer, in Mehlich3 solution with extractable ppm assumed exchangeable cmolc/kg" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab505 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab506 . "Code list for erosionTotalAreaAffectedValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab23 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab24 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab526 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab527 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab908 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab909 . "WaterRetentionGravimetric33kPa"@en . . . . "Slightly sticky"@en . . "2" . "FN" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab87 . "SH" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab237 . . "This code list provides the CoatingNatureValue."@en . . . "Code list for acidityExchangeable analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u"@en . "Code list for RockOutcropsDistanceValue - codelist class"@en . "Potexc" . "Non-cemented and non-compacted"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab910 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab837 . "Vegetation moderately disturbed"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab938 . "Code list for consistenceDryValue - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab978 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab979 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 21,3" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1193 . "Xeromorphic shrub"@en . . "Multicoloured"@en . "Active in recent past (previous 50\u2013100 years)" . "TotalN_dc" . . . . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-nodisp-pipett"@en . . "Lower slope (foot slope)"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1157 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1158 . . . . "Medium"@en . "V" . . . "Code list for humanInfluenceClassValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1014 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1015 . . . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-64-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-hydrometer-Bouyoucos" . "S" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab336 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab337 . . . . . . . "Exch acidity (H+Al) buffered at pH 7, in unknown extract" . . . . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab608 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab367 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab921 . _:ub1bL12C17 . . "Code list for WeatherConditionsValue - codelist class"@en . . "TotalN_h2so4" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab480 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab20 . "Loose"@en . "Exch bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) buffered at pH 8.0-8.5, in unknown solution" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab263 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab264 . . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab670 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab671 . . "Code list for CoatingLocationValue - codelist class"@en . "Dissolution of carbonates by Acetic acid [CH3COOH], external heat (dry combustion)" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1167 . "Fr_Ma" . "Code list for mineralConcKindValue - codelist scheme"@en . "VMC_d-cl" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab901 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab896 . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for peatVolume."@en . "DC" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 24.1" . "Pu" . "skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel are pairwise disjoint properties."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1015 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1016 . . . "SandWaterDispersible04"@en . . . "Avavol" . . . . "Total_nh4-6mo7o24" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab311 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab76 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab77 . . . . "pHKCl (soil reaction) in a soil/KCl solution (0.01-1 M)" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 174" . "Code list for fragmentsSizeValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab739 . . . . "LF" . "This code list provides the MineralConcVolumeValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab174 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab565 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab566 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1193 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1194 . . . . . . "v1.2.1" . _:ub1bL17C9 _:ub1bL19C32 . "pHKCl_ratio1-10"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab50 . . "pHNaF (soil reaction) in 1:2 soil/NaF solution (0.01-1 M)" . "Levelling"@en . "UL1" . "BlkDensW_we-rpl-unk"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab866 . . . "pHKCl_ratio1-10" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab737 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab738 . "None"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "BL" . "Code list for weatherConditionsValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u"@en . . . . . . . . "Potsol" . . "Moderate Clear evidence of removal of surface horizons. Original biotic functions partly destroyed." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab948 . "Ordered collections can be used where you would like a set of concepts to be displayed in a specific order, and optionally under a 'node label'."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab840 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab841 . "A note that helps to clarify the meaning and/or the use of a concept."@en . . "Hemic"@en . "MB1" . . . . "ExchBases_ph0-nh4cl" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab810 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab811 . . . "disperse powdery lime"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab342 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab343 . . "B" . . "GB" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab119 . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for erosionTotalAreaAffected."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab374 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab375 . "VFI" . "Soft"@en . . . "Fine < 1cm"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab446 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab447 . . "Position in flat or almost flat terrain: Lower part (and dip)" . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 80" . "MO" . "SWDF1" . "Extr_nh4ch3ch-oh-cooh-leuv"@en . . . "Code list for bulkDensityMineralValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "This code list provides the BoundaryClassificationValue."@en . . "SSF3" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab13 . . . "Vesicular"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab327 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab328 . . . . "Available water capacity - volumetric (FC to WP)"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab32 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab33 . "Code list for CoatingNatureValue - codelist class"@en . . . . . . "Calculated from conductivity of successive dilutions" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab308 . "CaCO3_acid-h3po4-unk"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab368 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 15,2" . . . "Code list for totalElements analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . "Relates an ordered collection to the RDF list containing its members."@en . "has top concept"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab485 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab486 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1055 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab762 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab692 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab693 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab211 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab619 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab620 . . . "This code list provides the FloodFrequencyValue."@en . "Volumetric moisture content in undisturbed samples (pF rings cores)" . "TotalN_tn08"@en . . "SSF1" . . "Closely spaced 0.2\u20130.5"@en . "ExchAcid_ph8-bacl2tea" . "T" . "S" . "Code list for BoundaryClassificationValue - codelist class"@en . "Soil material crushes under moderate pressure between thumb and forefinger, but resistance is distinctly noticeable." . . . "EX" . . . "complex (irregular)"@en . . . . . "15%\u201340%" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab753 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab754 . "I" . . "Code list for sealingThicknessValue - codelist scheme"@en . "TotalN_tn06"@en . "Smooth"@en . . . "periglacial rock debris"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1062 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1063 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab686 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab687 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1015 . . "3\u2013 < 5%"@en . "Code list for porosityClassValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1196 . "Olsen (not acid soils) resp. Bray I (acid soils). Particularly used for available P." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1038 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1039 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: figure 3" . . "Pulses"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab87 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab88 . "Extr_naoac-morga"@en . "has broader transitive"@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Coarse fragments"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab93 . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for physioChemical."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab419 . . "Period of activity not known"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab571 . . "Code list for SandProperty - codelist class"@en . . . "E" . "Alfalfa"@en . "ExchAcid_ph0-nh4cl" . "No evidence of erosion"@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Other insect activity"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1004 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab417 . "SandSizeFractionTotal"@en . "pHCaCl2_ratio1-2.5" . "C" . . "Fine earth. Clod samples (natural clods or reconstituted from < 2mm sample), at field capacity (0.33 bar, 33 kPa, 330 cm, pF 2.5), corrected for coarse fragments if any" . "This code list provides the StickinessValue."@en . . "Older Pleistocene, ice covered"@en . . "Older, pre-Tertiary land surfaces"@en . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for Porosity."@en . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-nodisp-hydrometer-bouy" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 12" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab67 . "Stones and boulders"@en . "Medium"@en . "C" . . . . "Very hard"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab416 . "CaSO4_gy02"@en . . . . . . "Code list for physioChemicalProperty - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab879 . . "CEC_ph0-kcl" . "Young (10\u2013100 years) natural: with loss by erosion or deposition of materials such as on tidal flats, of coastal dunes, river valleys, landslides or desert areas." . "pHNaF_ratio1-10" . . . "Code list for exchangeableBases analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "S" . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 7" . . . . . . . . "Iroext" . . "15-40(%)"@en . . . "II" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab268 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab630 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab631 . "US" . . "CaCO3_acid-h3po4-dc"@en . "Cemented"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1092 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab375 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab376 . "S" . "OrgC_dc-ht-analyser" . "Upper slope (shoulder) "@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab748 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab749 . . . . "This code list provides the CementationDegreeValue."@en . "FGT" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1109 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab712 . . . . "Weak"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab968 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab996 . "This code list provides the CracksWidthValue."@en . "BlkDensW_we-co-unkn" . . "Sample disintegrates into numerous fragments after application of weak pressure."@en . . "Code list for mottlesSizeValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Procedures for OrganicMatter - codelist class"@en . . . . "CaCO3_acid-hcl-dc"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab752 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab718 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab719 . . "V" . . . . . "COLORIMETRIC VANADATE MOLYBDATE. Particularly used for Total P." . "EFI" . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-disp-pipette" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab104 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab993 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab159 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab78 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab79 . "ClayTotal"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab689 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 21,3" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab520 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab193 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab194 . "Extremely firm"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab80 . "M" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab140 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab141 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab398 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab399 . . . "Extr_nh4ch3ch-oh-cooh-leuven" . . . . "ISRIC Report 2019/01: Tier 1 and Tier 2 data in the context of the federated Global Soil Information System. Appendix 3" . . "This code list provides the RockShapeValue."@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Dry combustion at 800-1000 C celcius (Dumas method)" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab959 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab765 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab867 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab868 . "UE2" . "Ksat_invbhol"@en . "depression"@en . "Sum of exchangeable bases (Ca++, Mg++, K+, Na+) as percentage of EffCEC (method specified with EffCEC and ExchBases)" . . . . "SSF2" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab148 . . . "Extr_cacl2"@en . "Bremner, J. M. 1965. Total Nitrogen. In: C. A. Black (ed.) Methods of soil analysis. Part 2: Chemical and microbial properties. Number 9 in series Agronomy. American Society of Agronomy, Inc. Publisher, Madison, USA. Pp. 1049-1178" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab285 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab286 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab688 . "Fine earth. Core sampling (pF rings), at unknown humidity, corrected for coarse fragments if any" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "Carful" . "partly cloudy"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab285 . "Coarse"@en . . . . . "Soil material crushes under strong pressures; barely crushable between thumb and forefinger." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab310 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab123 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab124 . "VMC_d" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab927 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab928 . . . "RetentP_blakemore" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab869 . "SSF1" . . . "Code list for contrastValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab69 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab70 . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab502 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab503 . "Flat"@en . "F" . "EC_ratio1-5" . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-nodisp-spec" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab411 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab572 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab573 . . . . . . . "JA" . . . "Ambic1 method (ammonium bicarbonate) (South Africa). Particularly used for available P." . . . "Sand, unsorted"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab622 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab623 . "Manganese (Mn) - KCl extractable"@en . . . "A discrete body with a concentric internal structure, generally cemented." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab26 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab27 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for landformComplex."@en . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-nodisp-hydrometer-bouy" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab657 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab658 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "This code list provides the CoatingAbundanceValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab14 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab236 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab237 . . "Aluminium (Al) + 0.5 Fe oxalate"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab323 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab324 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 16" . . . "W" . "Gibbsite"@en . "lPi" . . "Strong karst"@en . "Common"@en . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab790 . . . . . "Elec. conductivity at 1:2 soil/water ratio" . . "IA2" . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-nodisp-laser" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab240 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab241 . . "volcanic scoria/breccia"@en . . . . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for hydraulicConductivity."@en . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-nodisp-pipette" . "CaCO3_acid-hcl-unkn" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab278 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab279 . . . "CS" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab476 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab477 . "IP2" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab810 . . "CEC_ph-unkn-m3" . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for carbonOrganic."@en . . "Rubber"@en . "S" . . "Procedures for Texture - codelist class"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab464 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab465 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab872 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab873 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab357 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab358 . "FI" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab933 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab187 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab188 . . "Annual field cropping"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 28" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab130 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab131 . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 17" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab991 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab992 . "Differ. between Ca-conc. in sat. extr. and Ca-conc. in 1/50 s/w solution" . . . "\u2248 10\u201325 Strongly calcareous Strong visible effervescence. Bubbles form a low foam."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab436 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab437 . . . "Other descriptions "@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1160 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab533 . . . "Code list for SaltCoverValue - codelist class"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab793 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab794 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab567 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab568 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab231 . "FD" . . "WRG1500" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab319 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab320 . "Zinc (Zn) - extractable"@en . . "H3PO4 acid at 80C, conductometric in NaOH (Schlichting & Blume, 1966)" . . . "Code list for coatingFormValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab379 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab436 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab165 . . . . . . . . "Method of Piper (HCl)" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1007 . "M" . . "no rain in the last 24 hours"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab190 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab924 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 24.1" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab600 . . . "Textsilt" . "Common"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab317 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab886 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab895 . "Gypsum (gypsiferous)"@en . . "Many"@en . "Code list for boundaryTopographyValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Fr" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab399 . "D" . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "G" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab54 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab102 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab744 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1013 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for plasticity."@en . "Code list for ConsistenceDryValue - codelist class"@en . . "SandWaterDispersible05"@en . "Code list for rockShapeValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . "MI" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab342 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab415 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab892 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab893 . "Position in flat or almost flat terrain: Bottom (drainage line)" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab359 . "Code list for organicMatterClassValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1109 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab662 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab663 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1147 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab150 . . "Total_hclo4" . "pHH2O (soil reaction) in 1:2 soil/water solution" . . . . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-50-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-laser" . "S" . . "4\u20138" . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . "EC_ratio1-2.5" . . . . . . "Tertiary land surfaces"@en . . "BlkDensW_we-cl-od"@en . . . . . "pHH2O (soil reaction) in 1:1 soil/water solution" . . "NK" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab200 . "IU2" . . . . "PO" . "SP" . "EC_ratio1-2.5"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab356 . "Other"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab55 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab782 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab783 . "Not known"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab907 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab853 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab854 . "SV2" . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-64-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-laser" . "very low"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab621 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab622 . "Code list for coatingAbundanceValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-64-2000um)-no dispersion-spectrally measured and convertd to sand, silt or clay" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1116 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1117 . "OrgC_dc-lt-loi"@en . "Wheat"@en . . "DE" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1036 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 70" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab878 . . . . . . . "Moderately gypsiric"@en . . . "1:1 H2SO4 : HNO3. Particularly used for Total P." . . "Concretion"@en . . "Code list for mineralConcHardnessValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "Code list for cationExchangeCapacitySoil analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . . . . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-64-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion" . "O" . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for rockOutcropsDistance."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab700 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab701 . . "This code list provides the BiologicalAbundanceValue."@en . . . . . "Wide 2cm\u20135cm"@en . . . "Code list for profileDescriptionStatusValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1155 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab167 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab168 . "AA2" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab17 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab962 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab963 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab909 . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab674 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab675 . . . "Total N (Bremner, 1965, p. 1162-1164)" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab425 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1072 . . . . . . "TE" . "colluvial"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab332 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab333 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab153 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab154 . . "Code list for biologicalAbundanceValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab574 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab575 . . "medium and coarse"@en . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab97 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab900 . "FE" . "Code list for gypsum analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1162 . "< 0.5" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab144 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab145 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab587 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab708 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab709 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab671 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab672 . . "Ce_Wh" . . . . . . "Calcium (Ca++) - extractable"@en . "pHNaF_ratio1-5"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab206 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1071 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1072 . . . . "TotC_dc-ht" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1089 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1090 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab178 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab179 . . . "hard concretions"@en . . . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-20-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-beaker" . . . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for silt."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1194 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1195 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab869 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab870 . "Faint"@en . . . "Spectrally measured and converted to Unacidified Dry combustion or dry oxidation methods" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab445 . "Well drained"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "Kjeldahl, and ammonia distillation" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab877 . "Reddish brown"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab930 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab182 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab183 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab192 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 81" . "Loose"@en . "pHNaF (soil reaction) in a soil/NaF solution (0.01-1 M)" . . "Exch bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) buffered at pH 7, in unknown solution" . "Vegetation disturbed (not specified)"@en . "Method of Olsen, modified by Dabin (ORSTOM). Particularly used for available P." . . . . "This code list provides the SlopeFormValue."@en . "Shifting cultivation"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab984 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1074 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1111 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1040 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab449 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1097 . . . "PM" . . "FSL" . "Extr_hcl-nh4f-bray1" . "NPL" . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for Texture."@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab913 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab914 . . "MS" . . "Code list for rockSizeValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 21,1" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab406 . "0"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab667 . . "PVP" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1021 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1022 . . "Dominant" . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-nodisp-spec"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab291 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab183 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab184 . "Sum of exchangeable bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) without exchangeable acidity (H+Al), see ExchBases and ExchAcids for methods" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab324 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab325 . . "TotalN_nelso"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab98 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab618 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab619 . . "Code list for peatVolumeValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . "Code list for SandyTextureValue - codelist class"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1065 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1140 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1141 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab377 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab378 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab4 . "skos:exactMatch is used to link two concepts, indicating a high degree of confidence that the concepts can be used interchangeably across a wide range of information retrieval applications. skos:exactMatch is a transitive property, and is a sub-property of skos:closeMatch."@en . . "2%\u20135%" . . "CaCO3_ca04" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Lamellae (clay bands)"@en . "5\u201310"@en . . . . . . . "ExchAcid_ph0-unkn" . . . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-nodisp-laser" . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1174 . . "Platy"@en . "Aggregates are barely observable in place and there is only a weak arrangement of natural surfaces of weakness. When gently disturbed, the soil material breaks into a mixture of few entire aggregates, many broken aggregates, and much material without aggregate faces. Aggregate surfaces differ in some way from the aggregate interior." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab699 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab848 . . "M" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab901 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab902 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1046 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab189 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab56 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab57 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: 7" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab895 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab896 . "Total_tp07" . . . "has narrower match"@en . "Saturated hydraulic conductivity." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab686 . . . . "Hydrocarbonate (HCO3-) - soluble"@en . "MB4" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab412 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab13 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab14 . "M" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab500 . "Links a concept to a concept related by meaning."@en . "TotHumC_unkn" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . "Code list for carbonatesFormsValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . "Acidified. Dry combustion at 840 C" . "CEC_ph8-bacl2tea" . "A Coarse"@en . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 29" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1182 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1053 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab758 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab759 . "Nearly level"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab354 . . . "This code list provides the FragmentsSizeValue."@en . "Total_hcl"@en . "Code list for rockOutcropsCoverValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab305 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab306 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1004 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1005 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab757 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab758 . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab201 . . . "High"@en . . . "LO" . . . "Extr_capo4"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab583 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Horizontal pedfaces"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab35 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 59,3" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab226 . . . . "reagent of Baeyens. Precipitation in form of Phosphomolybdate. Particularly used for Total P." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab854 . . . "Charcoal"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab635 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab636 . . "5" . "Code list for cracksDepthValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab336 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab439 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab440 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1081 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1082 . "PAWHC_calcul-fc300wp"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab117 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab118 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab683 . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-50-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-spectrally measured and convertd to sand, silt or clay" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1165 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1166 . . "oPf" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab922 . "VMC_d-cl-ww"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab2 . . "Low"@en . "Sodium (Na+) - exchangeable %"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1058 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1059 . . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for AcidityExchangeable."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab351 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab959 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab960 . "WS" . . . . . "Code list for majorLandFormValue - codelist scheme"@en . "BlkDensW_we-cl-unk"@en . "TotC_dc-ht-spec"@en . "5%\u201315%" . "VS" . "CEC_ph8-naoac"@en . "MU1" . . . "Ce_So" . . "UF" . . . . "Relates a collection to one of its members."@en . . "CEC_ph8-baoac" . "Semi-deciduous woodland"@en . . "Indurated"@en . . "VC"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab978 . . . . "C" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab560 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab955 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab956 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab609 . . "medium-gradient hill"@en . . . . "VHA" . "Wet oxidation according to Nelson and Sommers (1996)" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab455 . . . "FGF2" . . "Base saturation - calculated"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab369 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab370 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 174" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab633 . . "IB3" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1008 . "Indirect estimate: inorganic carbon divided by 0.12 (computed as total carbon minus organic carbon)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1066 . . . . . "Dump (not specified)"@en . . . "pHNaF_ratio1-2" . "03" . "Code list for structureSizeValue - codelist scheme"@en . "SO" . . "CEC_ph-unkn-m3"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab611 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab730 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab731 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab474 . . "EffCEC_calcul-ba"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab36 . . . "This code list provides the ErosionDegreeValue."@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Code list for SlopePathwaysValue - codelist class"@en . "convex"@en . "CEC_ph8-baoac"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab577 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab882 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab883 . "Fi" . . "Spectrally measured and converted to Mehlich3 method (extractant 0.2 N CH3COOH + 0.25 N NH4NO3 + 0.015 N NH4F + 0.013 N HNO3 + 0.001 M EDTA)" . . "Certain relevant elements are missing from the description, an insufficient number of samples was collected, or the reliability of the analytical data does not permit a complete characterization of the soil. However, the description is useful for specific purposes and provides a satisfactory indication of the nature of the soil at high levels of soil taxonomic classification." . . . "3" . "No essential elements are missing from the description, sampling or analysis. The number of samples collected is sufficient to characterize all major soil horizons, but may not allow precise definition of all subhorizons, especially in the deeper soil. The profile depth is 80 cm or more, or down to a C or R horizon or layer, which may be shallower. Additional augering and sampling may be required for lower level classification." . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-adj100" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1147 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1148 . . "pHNaF (soil reaction) in saturated paste" . . . . "VST" . "Code list for saltThicknessValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab139 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab893 . "S" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1000 . "Code list for boundaryDistinctnessValue - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab456 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab457 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab299 . . "Discontinuous" . "Many"@en . . "Unacidified. Loss on ignition (NL) is total Organic Carbon" . . "< 1 < 10 < 5" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1052 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1053 . . "Chl" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1031 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1032 . "Excavations"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab5 . "Li" . . . "0%\u20132%" . "high-gradient hill"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab61 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1094 . . "D4" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1173 . "Hunter, A. 1975. New techniques and equipment for routine soil/plant analytical procedures. In: Soil Management in Tropical America. (eds E. Borremiza & A. Alvarado). N.C. State University, Raleigh, NC." . "WALKER, T. W., AND A. F. R. ADAMS. 1958. Studies on soil organic matter. I. Soil Sci. 85: 307-318. " . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab629 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab459 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab460 . "This code list provides the SiltProperty."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab968 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab969 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "Code list for coatingContrastValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Aludit" . . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-nodisp-hydrometer" . "Fr_Ba" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab581 . . . "conglomerate, breccia"@en . "moraine"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1069 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1070 . . "Plantation forestry"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab698 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab699 . "note"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab675 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab972 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab973 . . "Poros_calcul-pf0" . "pHCaCl2 (soil reaction) in 1:5 soil/CaCl2 solution (0.01-1 M)" . . "Total_xrf-p"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab259 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab547 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab548 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab664 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab665 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab896 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab897 . "WH" . "ExchBases_ph7-nh4oac-aas"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab584 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab585 . . . "M = Mixed farming"@en . . . . . "pseudomycelia* (carbonate infillings in pores, resembling mycelia)"@en . "> 2" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab903 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab904 . "Archaeological (burial mound, midden)"@en . "3" . "Relates a concept to a concept that is more general in meaning."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab186 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab225 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab967 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab968 . "Fo_Gr" . . . "This code list provides the PoresAbundanceValue."@en . . . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-disp-beaker"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab519 . . "CS" . "WM" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab367 . "pHKCl (soil reaction) in 1:2.5 soil/KCl solution (0.01-1 M)" . "BD5" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab521 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab522 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab744 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab745 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab127 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab128 . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "AT2" . . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "Barley"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab337 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab338 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1208 . "Method of Bray II (dilute HCl/NH4F). Particularly used for available P." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab462 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab463 . . "CaCO3_acid-h3po4-nodc"@en . "Weakly resistant to pressure; easily broken between thumb and forefinger." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1019 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab387 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab388 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1136 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1137 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab469 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1127 . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-64-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-spectrally measured and convertd to sand, silt or clay" . "Older, pre-Tertiary land surfaces, commonly high planes, terraces or peneplains, except incised valleys, frequent occurrence of palaeosoils." . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab676 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab747 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab748 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab524 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab887 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab106 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab107 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab227 . . . . . . "RS" . "Kjeldahl, J. (1883) \u2018Neue Methode zur Bestimmung des Stickstoffs in organischen K\u00F6rpern\u2019 (New method for the determination of nitrogen in organic substances), Zeitschrift f\u00FCr analytische Chemie, 22 (1) : 366-383." . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab696 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab635 . . "Irotot" . . "Open large burrows"@en . "Code list for gypsumContentValue - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1164 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1165 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab49 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab545 . "Exch bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) buffered at pH 7, in 1M NH4OAc, K and Na with FP (Flame Photometry)" . . . . "Black"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1165 . . . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 35" . "Element analyzer (LECO analyzer), Dry Combustion" . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for EffectiveCec."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab823 . "W" . . "Slickensides, non intersecting"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab472 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab987 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab988 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab305 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab309 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab310 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab673 . "Angular"@en . "WC6" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Reddish yellow"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . "Cemented mass cannot be broken by body weight (75-kg standard soil scientist) (more than 90 percent of soil mass)." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab534 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab535 . . "pHNaF_ratio1-1"@en . "Cassava"@en . . "pHH2O_ratio1-2" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab142 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab143 . "Vertical pedfaces"@en . . "BR" . . "gravelly sand"@en . "Woodland"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab925 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab648 . . . "Nelson and Sommers (1996) in: Sparks DL (ed.). Soil Sci. Soc. Am. book series 5, part 3, pp 961-1010." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1039 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1040 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab348 . . . "andesite, trachyte, phonolite"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab248 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab709 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab928 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab929 . . "This code list provides the WeatheringValue."@en . "CEC unbuffered at pH of the soil, in 0.01 M Ag-thioura exchange solution" . "SO1" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1170 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1171 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1061 . "0.6cm\u20132.0cm" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab40 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Exch acidity (H+Al) unbuffered, in 1 M KCl extract" . "Oi_Cc" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1098 . . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-disp-beaker" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab287 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab288 . "slate, phyllite (pelitic rocks)"@en . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-50-2000um)-fractions adjusted to sum up to 100%" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab660 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab296 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab297 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab508 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab509 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab870 . . "This code list provides the HumanInfluenceClassValue."@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Wet oxidation according to Kurmies with K2Cr2O7+H2SO4" . . . "0.07\u20130.11g cm-3"@en . . "Mangoes"@en . . "PN" . "H" . "Present weather conditions (Schoeneberger et al., 2002)" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab266 . . . "Drip irrigation"@en . . "BB" . . . . "Code list for mineralConcVolumeValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab852 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab853 . "Both hard and soft."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab982 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab983 . "Stones"@en . "Voids"@en . "Stone line"@en . . . "40-80(%)"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab244 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab120 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab121 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab977 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1026 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab388 . . . . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-20-2000um)-field estimate" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab537 . "Very closely spaced < 0.2"@en . "This code list provides the RockOutcropsDistanceValue."@en . . . . . . . . "Alusat" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab905 . . "Coarse"@en . . "Pu_Pe" . . "Fruits and melons"@en . . "Code list for organicMatter analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab108 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "< 2 mm (number)0;> 2 mm (number)0" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1141 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1142 . "ISRIC Report 2019/01: Tier 1 and Tier 2 data in the context of the federated Global Soil Information System. Appendix 3" . "0-2(%)"@en . . "Code list for cementationDegreeValue - codelist scheme"@en . "CL" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab531 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab532 . . "Code list for MineralConcSizeValue - codelist class"@en . "SWD4" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab293 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab993 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab994 . . "NH4-lactate extraction method (KU-Leuven). Particularly used for available P." . "AM" . . . . . "M" . "Nelson and Sommers, 1980" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab557 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab558 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab830 . "Exch bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) unbuffered, in 1 M NH4Cl (0.05-1.0 m?)" . "40%\u201380%" . . . . "Manext" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab819 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab820 . . "TotalN_tn04" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab827 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab828 . . . . "EC_ratio1-5"@en . . "0"@en . . "AT4" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab330 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab782 . " . "SE" . "Extr_m2"@en . "Soil material crushes under very gentle pressure, but coheres when pressed together." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab561 . . "Calcium (Ca++) - total"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab630 . . . "Dissolution of carbonates by Phosphoric acid [H3PO4], no external (no dry combustion)" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab767 . . . . "Very fine"@en . . "LV" . "OrgC_wc-cro3-knopp" . "Code list for cementationFabricValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "Total_tp09"@en . "Code list for consistenceMoistValue - codelist scheme"@en . "SiltSizeFraction01"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab767 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab768 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab31 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab32 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 72" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab765 . "IN" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for boundaryClassification."@en . "Fi_Co" . . "oPp" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab856 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab857 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 21,2" . "Jarosite"@en . . "Code list for PeatDecompostionValue - codelist class"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab64 . . . "IS" . . "acid fleischman. Particularly used for Total P." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab379 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab380 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1190 . . "DS" . . "TotalN_dc-ht-leco" . "Sodexp" . . . . . "Elec. conductivity at 1:10 soil/water ratio" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab847 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab848 . "U" . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for bulkDensityPeat."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab7 . "N" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab850 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab851 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab191 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab192 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab680 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab681 . . "MR" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab245 . . . "ExchBases_ph7-unk"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab983 . . . "pHCaCl2 (soil reaction) in a soil/CaCl2 solution (0.01-1 M)" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab265 . . . "Very deep > 20"@en . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 64" . "Extreme Substantial removal of deeper subsurface horizons (badlands). Original biotic functions fully destroyed." . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 39" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab393 . "Ksat_column" . "Unacidified dry combustion at high temperature (950-1400 C). Total Carbon" . "SiltSizeFraction02"@en . "> 80" . "Fine/thin"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1198 . . . "PV" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for totalCarbonateEquivalent."@en . "bauxite, laterite"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab77 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab78 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab717 . "Cotton"@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab440 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab441 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab36 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1079 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab142 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab750 . "5-10(%)" . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . "Distinct"@en . "ExchBases_ph-unkn-edta" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab222 . . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-nodisp-pipette" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab296 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 33" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab207 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab208 . "DI" . . "Code list for texture analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab558 . . . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab777 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1137 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1138 . "SSF3" . . . . "Volumetric moisture content in disturbed samples" . . "Cereals"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab102 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab103 . . "Nearly plane surface" . . "EX" . "Common"@en . "R" . . "Spectrally measured and converted to P retention (P buffer index)" . "This code list provides the MineralConcShapeValue."@en . "ISRIC Report 2019/01: Tier 1 and Tier 2 data in the context of the federated Global Soil Information System. Appendix 3" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab886 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab887 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1028 . . . "Position in undulating to mountainous terrain: Toe slope" . "CEC at unknown buffer, in Mehlich III exchange solution" . . . "R" . . . . . . "pHKCl_ratio1-5" . . . . . "Code list for peatDecompostionValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab126 . "Oi" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Extr_h2so4-truog" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1080 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab780 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab781 . . "Method of Hunter (1975) modified after ISFEI method. Particularly used for available P." . "N" . . "BD4" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab857 . . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . . "Code list for physiographyValue - codelist scheme"@en . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . "0\u20132" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab572 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab946 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 35" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab200 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab201 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab812 . . "WaterRetentionVolumetric"@en . . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab875 . . . "pHKCl_ratio1-2.5" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab835 . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-disp" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab282 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab283 . . "Code list for FloodFrequencyValue - codelist class"@en . . . . "Neither cementation nor compaction observed (slakes in water)." . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-disp-laser"@en . . . . . "Earthworm channels"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab79 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab80 . "This code list provides the VoidsClassificationValue."@en . "Artefacts"@en . . . "Aluminium (Al+++) - saturation (ESP)"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab936 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "Extremely resistant to pressure; cannot be broken in the hands." . . "Extr_ap14" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab522 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab523 . "< 2mm" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "MA2" . . "Code list for mineralConcColourValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab589 . "Extr_hno3"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab529 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab530 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab793 . "Code list for SlopeFormValue - codelist class"@en . "CaCO3_ca11"@en . "W" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab605 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab618 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab376 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab377 . "Loamy soils with high clay content, clayey soils. Sample remains intact when dropped, no further disintegration after application of very large pressure." . . "UE1" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab988 . "Code list for sandyTextureValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab679 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab680 . . . "CaCO3_ca12"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab766 . "Pisolithic"@en . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 65" . . "UK" . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "Slightly hard"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for poresAbundance."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab93 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab94 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab186 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab187 . . "OrgC_wc" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab945 . . . . . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 24,2" . . . "pHNaF"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab770 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab960 . "IN" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab28 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab497 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab498 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab185 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab330 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab331 . "Code list for mottlesAbundanceValue - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab167 . . "C" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab244 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab245 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab964 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab172 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab173 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for consistenceMoist."@en . "Sodium (Na) - extractable"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for carbonatesContent."@en . "SS"@en . . . . . . "40\u201380" . "glacial"@en . . . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-nodisp-spec" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab41 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab42 . "Medium"@en . "This code list provides the SlopePathwaysValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab995 . "CEC_ph0-unkn" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab427 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab428 . . . "WaterRetentionVolumetric10kPa"@en . . _:ub1bL19C32 "ISRIC" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab297 . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 38" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1049 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1050 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab542 . . "Moderate"@en . "quartz-diorite"@en . . "N" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab919 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab806 . . . . "OrgC_dc-mt"@en . . . "Oil-palm"@en . "UO" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab176 . . "Loamy coarse sand"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab326 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab327 . . "Code list for clayProperty - codelist scheme"@en . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-64-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-pipette" . "Ya" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab312 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab313 . "3" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 15,2" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab903 . "S" . . "Sapric" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab969 . . . "Few"@en . . "pHH2O_ratio1-10"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab576 . "SV" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab499 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "ID" . "AA5" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab493 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab729 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab730 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "A" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab148 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab251 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . . . "Yellowish red"@en . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab255 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab487 . "Code list for SiltProperty - codelist class"@en . . . "CaCO3_ca05" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab334 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab27 . . "CEC_ph0-nh4cl"@en . "Medium 1cm\u20132cm"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for carbonatesForms."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab756 . "05" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "5\u201320" . . . "AP1" . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for PhosphorusRetention."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1089 . . "WS" . "MB2" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab616 . "Code list for erosionCategoryValue - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab917 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab344 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab345 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab329 . "This code list provides the ConsistenceDryValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab985 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab232 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab674 . "This code list provides the SaltCoverValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab513 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1109 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab952 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab953 . "coals, bitumen and related rocks"@en . . "< 2 mm (number)1\u201320 ;> 2 mm (number)1\u20132" . "BlkDensF_fe-co-fc"@en . . . "Hot water. Particularly used for available B" . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 66" . "Irregular"@en . "WaterRetentionVolumetric500kPa"@en . . . "pHNaF_ratio1-2.5"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab69 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab447 . "Gently sloping"@en . . "PN3" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab314 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab315 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1206 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1207 . . "WX" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab138 . "SC" . "SSH" . "CaCO3 Equivalent, CO2 evolution after HCl treatment. Gravimetric" . . . . . . . "40%\u201380%" . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 58" . "KSat_calcul-ptf-saxto"@en . "Photot" . "Mandit" . . . . "IC" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab32 . "basic metamorphic"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab471 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab221 . . "Not known"@en . . . "WaterRetentionVolumetric6kPa"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1175 . . "A note about a modification to a concept."@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . . "Carbon/Nitrogen (C/N) ratio"@en . "Sodium (Na) - total"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab428 . . . . "Schleiff method, electrometric" . "Code list for weatheringValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab279 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab280 . "CrsFrg_lab" . . . . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . "Hyd" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab259 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab260 . "P" . "Natural forest and woodland"@en . . "CEC_ph0-unk"@en . "Total_tp06"@en . . "BlkDensW_we-cl-fc"@en . "ISRIC Report 2019/01: Tier 1 and Tier 2 data in the context of the federated Global Soil Information System. Appendix 3" . "CaSO4_gy03"@en . "Acidified dry combustion or dry oxidation methods (after removal of carbonates)" . . "pHH2O_ratio1-1" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for sandyTexture."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab332 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "I" . "Slightly gypsiric"@en . . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for consistenceDry."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab57 . . "VFR" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab621 . "Irrigated cultivation"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab976 . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for rockOutcropsCover."@en . . . "Code list for cracksWidthValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab320 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab321 . . "5mm\u201320mm" . . "Few"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab448 . . . . . . "CaCO3_acid-h2so4-dc"@en . "Code list for mineralConcSizeValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab734 . "< 2mm" . "Fodder plants"@en . "Few"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab653 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab654 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab816 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 40" . . "Plastic"@en . "WaterRetentionGravimetric10kPa"@en . "This code list provides the SealingConsistenceValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab309 . "MB" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab220 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab241 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab600 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab601 . . . . . . "FGF3" . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab60 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab61 . . "C" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 59,1" . "Caltot" . "ExchBases_ph0-cohex" . "Fine earth. Core sampling (pF rings), at oven dry, corrected for coarse fragments if any" . "SandSizeFraction08"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab862 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab863 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab977 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab978 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab523 . "Code list for surfaceAgeValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-disp-pipett"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab586 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab587 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for effectiveCec."@en . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-disp-spec" . . "CEC_ph0-bacl2" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for mineralConcNature."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab775 . . "Extr_c6h8o7-reeuwijk" . . . "Mantot" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab739 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab740 . "Fo_Ma" . "Loamy soils with high clay content, clayey soils. Sample remains intact when dropped, no further disintegration after application of very large pressure." . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-nodisp"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab339 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab340 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1092 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1093 . . . . . "Manganese (Mn) - pyrophosphate extractable"@en . . "Abundant"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab902 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab903 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab239 . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-nodisp-hydrometer" . . . . . . "CEC unbuffered at pH of the soil, in unknown exchange solution" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab695 . . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-64-2000um)-no dispersion-laser" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab473 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab313 . "Code list for FragmentsSizeValue - codelist class"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab774 . "Ley system cultivation"@en . . "V" . "eclogite"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab936 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab937 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab640 . "EC_ratio1-1"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1052 . "CEC buffered at pH 8.0-8.5, in 1 M NH4-acetate exchange solution (0.25-1.0 M)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab615 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab616 . "TH" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab971 . . "\u2248 > 60" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab38 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab39 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "> 20mm" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab974 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab912 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab913 . "Fo_Cl" . . . . . "Terraced"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab938 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab939 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1176 . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 32" . . "Thick"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab776 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab777 . "Moderately drained"@en . . "Wire formable and can be bent into a ring; moderately strong to very strong force required for deformation of the soil mass." . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1051 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab607 . . . "Code list for FragmentsClassValue - codelist class"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab67 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab68 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab918 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab919 . . "CEC_ph-unkn-lioac" . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-nodisp-hydrometer-bouy"@en . . "Rice, dry"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab784 . . "Fine sandy loam"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 40" . "ExchBases_ph0-cohex"@en . "PXRF" . "Method of Nelson (dilute HCl/H2SO4). Particularly used for available P." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab841 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab842 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab141 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab71 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab52 . "Code list for acidityExchangeable analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab360 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab824 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab825 . . . . "Nitric acid (HNO3) method" . . "D" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1085 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1086 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab117 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab313 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab314 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1037 . "Residual rock fragment"@en . . "clay and silt"@en . . . "pHCaCl2 (soil reaction) in 1:10 soil/CaCl2 solution (0.01-1 M)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1054 . . "Code list for ErosionDegreeValue - codelist class"@en . . "AA1" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1102 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1103 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab871 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab683 . . . "Siloxa" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab284 . . "BlkDensF_fe-co-fc" . "pHH2O_sat" . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . . . "X" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab594 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab595 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab82 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab83 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 4" . "S" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab443 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab444 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 60" . "Code list for baseSaturation analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "Fine earth. Clod samples (natural clods or reconstituted from < 2mm sample), at unknown humidity, corrected for coarse fragments if any" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1170 . "Code list for rootsAbundanceValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "Method of Bray I (dilute HCl/NH4F). Particularly used for available P." . . . "HM" . . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-disp-beaker"@en . "Reference profile description - no sampling"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1189 . . . "pHCaCl2_ratio1-1"@en . . "Fine gravel"@en . . . "CS" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1200 . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for CoarseFragments."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab520 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab521 . . . . "LO" . "Dwarf shrub"@en . "Raised beds (engineering purposes)"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab187 . "20cm\u201360cm" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab785 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab786 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab723 . "Code list for CoatingAbundanceValue - codelist class"@en . "RY" . "pHCaCl2_ratio1-10"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab607 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab608 . . "SiltWaterDispersibleFraction02"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab669 . . "2\u20135" . "pHKCl (soil reaction) in 1:1 soil/KCl solution (1 M)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab203 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab597 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab598 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab286 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab796 . . "Late Pleistocene, without periglacial influence." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab350 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab915 . . . . . "Code list for mineralFragmentsValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab838 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab839 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab223 . "WRG500" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1082 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1083 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab151 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab233 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab234 . "Extr_hcl-nh4f-bray2" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab43 . "Extremely hard"@en . "Code list for nitrogenTotal analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for biologicalAbundance."@en . "Perchloric acid percolation. Particularly used for Total P." . . "CH" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab303 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab304 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab257 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab258 . "Hay"@en . . . "Acidified. Furnace combustion (e.g., LECO combustion analyzer, Dumas method)" . . "ExchBases_ph7-nh4oac-fp"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab182 . . . . . "VFS" . "\u2248 15\u201360 higher amounts may be differentiated by abundance of H2O-soluble pseudomycelia/crystals and soil colour" . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "M" . "UR" . . "Ksat_dblring"@en . . . "Ce_Ba" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab631 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab543 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab17 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab812 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab813 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab302 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab303 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "0-5(%)" . "Soft concretion"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for mineralConcColour."@en . . . "ilmenite, magnetite, ironstone, serpentine"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1184 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1146 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1147 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab162 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab163 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab411 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab412 . "pHKCl_ratio1-1" . "None"@en . . . "Nodule"@en . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1103 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1104 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab335 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab336 . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "II1" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1202 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab761 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab762 . "WaterRetentionGravimetric100kPa"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab48 . . . "Yellowish brown"@en . "Most planes are extra-pedal voids, related to accommodating ped surfaces or cracking patterns. They are often not persistent and vary in size, shape and quantity depending on the moisture condition of the soil. Planar voids may be recorded, describing width and frequency." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab188 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab189 . "has member"@en . . "Blakemore L.C. Searle P.L. and Daly, B.K. (1987) Methods for chemical analysis of soils. NZ Soil Bureau, Lower Hutt, New Zealand." . . . "Code list for waterRetentionProperty - codelist scheme"@en . . "Whole earth. Core sampling (pF rings), at unknown humidity, not corrected for coarse fragments if any" . "pHKCl (soil reaction) in saturated paste" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab26 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab678 . "Many"@en . . "Code list for plasticityValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab177 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab423 . "CR" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab335 . "UO1" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab842 . . "Volumetric moisture content in disturbed samples on weight/weight basis to be converted to v/v (with BD at appropriate humidity) " . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab65 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab66 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab666 . . "WRG10" . . . . "Extr_ap21"@en . . . "DE" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab809 . . "Common"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab678 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab679 . . . "Code list for moistureContent analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab77 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1060 . "Code list for SaltThicknessValue - codelist class"@en . "UA1" . "Manganese (Mn) - dithionite extractable"@en . . . . . . "A notation, also known as classification code, is a string of characters such as \"T58.5\" or \"303.4833\" used to uniquely identify a concept within the scope of a given concept scheme."@en . "HumAcidC_unkn" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab617 . . . . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab573 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab929 . . "M" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1115 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1116 . . "HL" . . "Lu_Cc" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab132 . . . "FragmentsGravimetricTotal"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for mineralConcShape."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab817 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for coatingContrast."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab759 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1204 . . "Extr_m3"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab15 . . "Vesicular"@en . "ExchAcid_ph7-unkn" . "Code list for cementationNatureValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab520 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 47" . "Code list for pH analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab448 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab449 . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-nodisp-spec"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab176 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab177 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab107 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab108 . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1105 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1106 . . "CaCO3_ca03"@en . . "loam and silt"@en . . "sleet"@en . . . . . . . "N" . . . "PF" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab532 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab533 . . . "Code list for CracksDepthValue - codelist class"@en . "A set of concepts, optionally including statements about semantic relationships between those concepts."@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab760 . . "BSat_calcul-ecec"@en . "Extensive grazing"@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-disp-pipette" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab844 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab845 . "CaCO3_acid-ch3cooh-unkn" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab549 . "Calcium (Ca++) - exchangeable"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1063 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1064 . . "Labelled collections can be used where you would like a set of concepts to be displayed under a 'node label' in the hierarchy."@en . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab575 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1195 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1196 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: figure 2" . "D" . . . "N" . . . "This code list provides the CarbonatesFormsValue."@en . "M" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab614 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab615 . "Very widely spaced > 5"@en . . "TotalN_calcul-oc10"@en . "0" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab229 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab681 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab740 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "Elec. conductivity at 1:2.5 soil/water ratio" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1111 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab817 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab818 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab740 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab741 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1150 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1151 . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 75,1" . . . "valley floor"@en . . "Few"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Routine profile description - no sampling"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab492 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab376 . "MF" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab24 . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-nodisp-pipett"@en . "change note"@en . "Carbonates\u2013silica"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1062 . . "Spectrally measured and converted to Acidified dry combustion or dry oxidation methods (after removal of carbonates)" . "CEC_ph7-nh4oac"@en . . . "Middle slope (back slope) "@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab877 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab878 . . . "Carbonates (calcareous)"@en . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 71" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab958 . . . . . "CaCO3_acid-h2so4-nodc" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab629 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab630 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1077 . . "Incomplete description - no sampling"@en . . . . . . . . . "Carbonates"@en . . "BlkDensW_we-unk"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab547 . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab62 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab63 . . "F" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab873 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab874 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab213 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab214 . . . "C" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1123 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1124 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 62" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab929 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab930 . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab470 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab471 . . "Fine and medium gravel/artefacts"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab992 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "This code list provides analysis procedures for exchangeableBases."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1097 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1098 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab421 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab422 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1067 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 59,1" . "Extr_nh4-co3-2-ambic1" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab267 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab268 . . "Medium and coarse gravel/artefacts"@en . . "Application of fertilizers"@en . "> 50%" . "With intermontane plains (occupying > 15%) "@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1191 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1192 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab89 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab90 . "Code list for rockAbundanceValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . "level land "@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1083 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1084 . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-disp-hydrometer"@en . . . . . . . "Extr_dtpa" . "Feldspar"@en . "Extr_capo4" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab531 . . "HA" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for gypsum."@en . . "BSat_calcul-cec"@en . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab206 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab207 . "F" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab926 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab927 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab38 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab835 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab836 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab718 . "Dome-shaped"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab831 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab832 . "V" . "TotalN_calcul-oc10" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab947 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab948 . . . "pHH2O_ratio1-2.5" . . . . "A = Crop agriculture (cropping)"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab237 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab238 . "Very wide 5cm\u201310cm"@en . . "After release of pressure, practically no soil material adheres to thumb and finger." . "Wet oxidation according to Knopp with chromic acid and gravimetric determination of CO2" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab527 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab528 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "CEC buffered at pH 8.0-8.5, in 0.5 M Ba-acetate exchange solution" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab486 . . "UE" . "Partial weathering is indicated by discoloration and loss of crystal form in the outer parts of the fragments while the centres remain relatively fresh and the fragments have lost little of their original strength." . . . . . "ISRIC Report 2019/01: Tier 1 and Tier 2 data in the context of the federated Global Soil Information System. Appendix 3" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab844 . . . "Brown"@en . "Mine (surface, including openpit, gravel and quarries)"@en . . . "V" . . . . . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-nodisp" . . "Wesemael, J.C., 1955. De bepaling van van calciumcarbonaatgehalte van gronden. Chemisch Weekblad 51, 35-36." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab704 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab74 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab724 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab948 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab949 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1163 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab681 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab682 . "Total_tp07"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab499 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab500 . . "ExchBases_ph7-nh4oac"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab306 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab307 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab468 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab469 . . . . "< 2mm" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for AvailableWaterHoldingCapacity."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab729 . . "Not used and not managed"@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab83 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab84 . . "No influence"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab598 . "Flat"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab378 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab379 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1042 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab247 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab248 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab568 . "The mottles are evident only on close examination. Soil colours in both the matrix and mottles have closely related hues, chromas and values." . . . "ExchAcid_ph8-bacl2tea"@en . "M" . . "E" . . . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-50-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-hydrometer-Bouyoucos" . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-disp-hydrometer"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab495 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab345 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab346 . "Strong"@en . "TotHumC_unk"@en . "MB6" . . . . . "A note for an editor, translator or maintainer of the vocabulary."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab508 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab477 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab478 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab853 . "pHH2O_unkn-spec" . . "Olsen (if pH > 7) resp. Mehlich (if pH < 7). Particularly used for available P." . "This code list provides analysis procedures for texture."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab907 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab339 . . "Schlichting E, Blume HP, Stahr K (1995) Soils Practical (in German). Blackwell, Berlin" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 14,1" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1197 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab317 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab318 . . "SHA" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Differs from the surrounding soil mass in colour and composition but is not easily separated as a discrete body." . . "Bluish-black"@en . "A" . _:ub1bL12C17 _:ub1bL14C32 . "Aluminium (Al+++) - exchangeable"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab301 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab302 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab183 . . . . . . "has broader match"@en . . "Slickensides, predominantly intersecting (Slickensides are polished and grooved ped surfaces that are produced by aggregates sliding one past another.)"@en . "Potassium (K) - extractable"@en . "acid metamorphic"@en . . . "CEC buffered at pH 8.0-8.5, in 0.5 M BaCl2-TEA exchange solution ( M)" . "Total_tp04"@en . "SSF5" . "Black, 1965-HCl" . . "Procedures for MoistureContent - codelist class"@en . "Total_xtf-t"@en . "Sulphur (sulphurous)"@en . . . . . . . "Inselberg covered (occupying > 1% of level land) "@en . . . . "CaCO3_acid-hcl-unk"@en . . "Code list for rockShapeValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab645 . "> 80%" . . . "Very firm "@en . . "F" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1022 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1023 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1060 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 9" . . . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-disp-hydrometer"@en . . "F" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1174 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1175 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab595 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab596 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab684 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab685 . . . "FragmentsVolumetric03"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "\u201Cgazha\u201D (clayey water-saturated layer with high gypsum content)"@en . "Total_h2so4"@en . . "Distinct"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1104 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab402 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab403 . . . "W" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab178 . . "IU" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for textureSum."@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1192 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1193 . . . "None"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab779 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab126 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab224 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab225 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab814 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab815 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab733 . "I" . "Coptot" . "Code list for saltCoverValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . . . "< 0.04g cm-3"@en . . "Fulvic acid carbon_unknown method" . . "IP" . . . "0\u20132" . "D" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab956 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab957 . . "Code list for landUseClassValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "Pockets less deep than wide" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "None"@en . "Code list for siltProperty - codelist scheme"@en . . "OrgC_dc-mt" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab540 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab541 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab110 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab111 . . . "has related match"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab24 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab25 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab410 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab411 . "This code list provides the FragmentsClassValue."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab768 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab769 . . . "Procedures for BulkDensityWholeSoil - codelist class"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab872 . "Code list for LandUseClassValue - codelist class"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab467 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab468 . "Code list for cationExchangeCapacitySoil analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . . "SandSizeFraction05"@en . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab539 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab209 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab210 . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for cementationFabric."@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "CaSO4_gy02" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Pore infillings"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab815 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab816 . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . "pHCaCl2_ratio1-2"@en . . "SandSizeFraction07"@en . "pHNaF_ratio1-1" . "Code list for sealingThicknessValue - codelist scheme"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1128 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab351 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab352 . "Very low"@en . "SiltSizeFraction03"@en . . "FR" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab337 . "Gully erosion"@en . "Calexc" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab307 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab308 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 68" . "Code list for PhysioChemicalProperty - codelist class"@en . "CEC buffered at pH 7, in unknown exchange solution" . "20\u201350" . . "BD1" . "CEC_ph8-unk"@en . "Hydrocloric (HCl) extraction in nitric/perchloric acid mixture (totals) aqua regia" . "SV4" . . . "VMC_ud" . . . "D1" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab404 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab405 . "pHKCl" . "pHKCl (soil reaction) in 1:10 soil/KCl solution (0.01-1 M)" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1086 . . . . "Code list for cementationContinuityValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab613 . . "AfSP-derived interpretation (RwaSP)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab900 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab901 . "F" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab202 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab904 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab905 . "OrgC_wc-cro3-tiuri"@en . . "UA2" . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab557 . "Sheet erosion"@en . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-disp-hydrometer-bouy"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab100 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab101 . "Ksat_colum"@en . . "Irrigated shrub crop cultivation"@en . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for waterRetention."@en . "Elongated voids of faunal or floral origin, mostly tubular in shape and continuous, varying strongly in diameter. When wider than a few centimetres (burrow holes), they are more adequately described under biological activity." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab708 . "SWD2" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab426 . "CV"@en . . . . . "FVE" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab484 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab485 . "Firm"@en . . . "N" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab228 . "Method of Kjeldahl (digestion)" . . "This code list provides the PeatVolumeValue."@en . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for totalElements."@en . . . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 21,2" . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1012 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1106 . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 34" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab171 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab172 . "Code list for carbonInorganic analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab925 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab926 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab456 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab450 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab451 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab217 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab170 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab171 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab491 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1119 . . . . . . . . . "Code list for sealingConsistenceValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1088 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1089 . . "This code list provides the MottlesAbundanceValue."@en . "Residential use"@en . "Dry combustion using a CN-corder and cobalt oxide or copper oxide as an oxidation accelerator (Tanabe and Araragi, 1970)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab950 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab951 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for sealingConsistence."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab534 . "HE1" . . "BlkDensF_fe-rpl-unkn" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab533 . "Saunders and Metelerkamp" . "Code list for coatingNatureValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "DiethyneleTriaminePentaAcetic acid (DTPA) method" . . . "CEC_ph0-cohex" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab684 . . "(nearly)Not salty"@en . . "SandSizeFraction04"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab72 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab73 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab973 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab974 . . . . . "Code list for gypsumFormsValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab517 . "Code list for voidsDiameterValue - codelist scheme"@en . "AT1" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab761 . . "None"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab94 . "hard hollow concretions"@en . . "Dissolution of carbonates by Acetic acid [CH3COOH], no external (no dry combustion)" . "O" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab122 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab856 . "Hydrogen (H+) - exchangeable"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab592 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1153 . "H" . "Beans"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab109 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab110 . "BlkDensF_fe-unkn-fc"@en . . "Code list for SealingThicknessValue - codelist class"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab890 . . "Phosphorus (P) - oxalate extractable"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab238 . . . . . "CI" . . . "Copper (Cu) - total"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab754 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab755 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab261 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab262 . "pHNaF_ratio1-2.5" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-disp-hydrometer" . "CaCO3_ca08" . . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-nodisp-hydrometer-bouy" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1100 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab722 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab668 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab669 . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 74" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1121 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1122 . "Procedures for BaseSaturation - codelist class"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab766 . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for fragmentCover."@en . . "OrgC_dc-ht" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab817 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab749 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab688 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab689 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab384 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab385 . . . "< 2 mm (number)> 200 ;> 2 mm (number)> 20" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab184 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab672 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab673 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 174" . . . "M" . . . . "UL" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab137 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab138 . "B" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab895 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "This code list provides the LandUseClassValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab610 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab611 . . . . "pHH2O (soil reaction) in 1:10 soil/water solution" . . "Rape"@en . "15\u201340" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab814 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab25 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab56 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 34" . . . . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-nodisp-laser"@en . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab410 . "TotC_dc-ht-analyser"@en . . . . . . "concave"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1045 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1046 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab563 . "SandWaterDispersibleTotal"@en . "N" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab495 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab496 . "Procedures for CoarseFragments - codelist class"@en . "Concept Scheme"@en . "B" . . "Surface of coating is distinctly smoother or different in colour from the adjacent surface. Fine sand grains are enveloped in the coating but their outlines are still visible. Lamellae are 2\u20135 mm thick." . "Chloride (Cl-) - soluble"@en . "Moderately salty"@en . . "diorite-syenite"@en . . . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-disp"@en . "This code list provides analysis procedures for slopeGradientClass."@en . "Very fine sand"@en . "2.1" . "2\u20135" . . "CaCO3_ca10"@en . "Carorg" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for pH."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab594 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab347 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab348 . "This code list provides the OrganicMatterClassValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab442 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab443 . "P" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab256 . "No essential elements or details are missing from the description, sampling or analysis. The accuracy and reliability of the description and analytical results permit the full characterization of all soil horizons to a depth of 125 cm, or more if required for classification, or down to a C or R horizon or layer, which may be shallower." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab646 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab647 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1107 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1110 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1031 . . . . . "An example of the use of a concept."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab851 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab852 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1011 . . . "Parks"@en . "ClayCarbonate"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab270 . . . "Code list for structureGradeValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for cracksDepth."@en . . "WC4" . . . . "This code list provides the MineralConcSizeValue."@en . . "A" . . . "GB" . "Pu_Be" . "Phosphorus (P) - retention"@en . . "has exact match"@en . "F Fine"@en . "Animal production"@en . . "SlbCat_calcul-unkn" . "periglacial solifluction layer"@en . . "Pumpkins"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab783 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab784 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1190 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1191 . . "Calculated as total carbon minus inorganic carbon" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Oi_Op" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for porosity."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab242 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab426 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab427 . . . "E" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab768 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1183 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1184 . "CEC_ph8-bacl2tea"@en . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-disp-pipett"@en . "HC" . "Code list for fragmentCoverValue - codelist scheme"@en . "Yn" . . _:ub1bL12144C16 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1208 . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 71" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1079 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1080 . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab161 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab162 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1123 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab725 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab726 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab133 . "Dendroidal"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab658 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1155 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1156 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab130 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1043 . "Exch acidity (H+Al) unbuffered, in 0.05-0.1 M NH4Cl extract" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Greenish"@en . . . . "hard to very hard"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab962 . "The layer has large, equidimensional voids that may be filled with uncemented material." . . "ExchAcid_ph8-unk"@en . "SE" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab449 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab450 . . "Plant available water holding capacity of the soil fine earth fraction, calculated with field capacity defined at 300 cm (pF 2.5)" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab361 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab362 . "Coarse fragments"@en . . "SC" . . "Particles > 2 mm observed in the field and calculated from class values. May include concretions and very hard aggregates" . . . "Code list for BulkDensityPeatValue - codelist class"@en . "CO" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab257 . "Coarse/thick"@en . . "ECe_sat" . . . "Many"@en . . . . "In 0.1 M Na3-EDTA-/- turbidimetric (Begheijn, 1993)" . . "anhydrite, gypsum"@en . . . . . . "Whole earth. Excavation and replacement (i.e. soils too fragile to remove a stable sample) e.g. by auger, at unknown humidity, not corrected for coarse fragments if any" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1136 . . "Peas"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab719 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab352 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab353 . . . . . . "Manganese (manganiferous)"@en . . . . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 18" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab663 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab664 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 27" . . . . "C" . "SandSizeFraction10"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab322 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab323 . . . . . "CEC unbuffered at pH of the soil, in 1 M KCl exchange solution" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab650 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab940 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: 22,1" . "Wire formable but breaks if bent into a ring; slight to moderate force required for deformation of the soil mass." . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for CationExchangeCapacitySoil."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab752 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab753 . "Crack infillings"@en . . "Dissolved in water and precipitated by acetone" . . . . "MS" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab573 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab574 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab746 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab747 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab593 . "Procedures for CarbonInorganic - codelist class"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1009 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1010 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "LL" . "3" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1173 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1174 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 17" . . "pHCaCl2_ratio1-2.5"@en . . . . . "BP" . . "No specific location"@en . . "Knife penetrates only 1\u20132 cm into the moist soil, some effort required, sample disintegrates into few fragments, which cannot be subdivided further."@en . "6\u201320" . . . . "Groundnuts"@en . "F" . "Code list for bulkDensityFineEarth analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . "SD" . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "PAWHC_calcul-fc300wp" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1069 . "Alu" . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 14,2" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab389 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab390 . "Crystal"@en . "Silicon (Si) - oxalate extractable"@en . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for majorLandForm."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab394 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab461 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1073 . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-50-2000um)-with appropriate dispersion-hydrometer" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1057 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 62" . "UR1" . "Code list for coatingLocationValue - codelist scheme"@en . "N" . . . . "EC_ratio1-1" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab472 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab473 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1145 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1146 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab569 . . "pHNaF_ratio1-10"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab472 . . "BlkDensF_fe-cl-od"@en . "W" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab828 . . . . . "Ploughing"@en . . . "Boulders"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab180 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab181 . "C" . . "ISO. ISO/DIS 17586 Soil Quality - Extraction of Trace Elements Using Dilute Nitric Acid, 2016; p 14" . . "CEC_ph8-naoac" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab697 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab424 . "This code list provides analysis procedures for erosionAreaAffected."@en . . "Water erosion or deposition"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab12 . "Total_xrd"@en . "Code list for cracksDistanceValue - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab315 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab316 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1088 . . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-disp" . . . "is top concept in scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab496 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab497 . . . "Extr_ap20"@en . "Yams"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab346 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab63 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab690 . . "An idea or notion; a unit of thought."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab413 . "BSat_calcul-ecec" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab837 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab838 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Y" . . . . "R" . . . . . . . "Ksat_invbhole" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab897 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab898 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "CEC_ph0-cohex"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab855 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab856 . "Very hard Very resistant to pressure; can be broken in the hands only with difficulty." . . "Reference profile description"@en . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-adj100"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "Code list for sandProperty - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1030 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1031 . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab210 . "MB3" . "Extr_cacl2" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab585 . "UO2" . . . . . "Wind erosion and deposition"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab802 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab852 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab672 . "A" . "UK1" . . "Code list for saltContentValue - codelist scheme"@en . . . "Iron\u2013manganese (sesquioxides)"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab837 . . . . . . . . . . . . . "AA3" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab750 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab751 . . "OrgC_wc-cro3-walkleyblack"@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab7 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab8 . . . . "The layer is less than 50 percent cemented or compacted, and shows a rather irregular appearance." . "This code list provides analysis procedures for PH."@en . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "M" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab909 . . . "Knife can be pushed into the moist soil with weak pressure, sample disintegrates into few fragments, which may be further divided."@en . . "SV" . "This code list provides the ErosionCategoryValue."@en . "Sand, silt, clay fractions (2-64-2000um)-no dispersion-hydrometer" . "SWDF2" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1093 . "UU3" . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab175 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab176 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab857 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab858 . . . . "ExchAcid_ph7-caoac" . . "NS" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab625 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 9" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab53 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab54 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab5 . . "This code list provides the FragmentCoverValue."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab293 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab294 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab430 . "YR" . "M" . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for OrganicMatter."@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab205 . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 61" . "Very friable"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab716 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab717 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab762 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab763 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab25 . . . . . . . . "GS" . . . . "Maize"@en . . "FV2" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab706 . "Code list for carbonOrganic analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab433 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab434 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 50" . . "IB1" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab965 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab19 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab20 . "None" . "RB" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for mineralConcVolume."@en . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab730 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab781 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab4 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab85 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab86 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 33" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab693 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab779 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab780 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab818 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab819 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab439 . "NST" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab304 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab305 . . . . "08" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab662 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1073 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab338 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab339 . . "RB" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab719 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab720 . . . . "EthyleneDiamineTetraAcetic acid (EDTA) method" . "This code list provides the MineralFragmentsValue."@en . . "medium-gradient mountain"@en . "Code list for solubleSalts analysis procedures - codelist scheme"@en . "Extr_ap21" . . . . . "> 50"@en . . . . "OrgC_dc"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab372 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab373 . "Code list for cracksDepthValue - codelist scheme"@en . "BlkDensF_fe-unkn-od"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1085 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab679 . . "Y" . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab712 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab713 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab373 . . . "Code list for FragmentCoverValue - codelist class"@en . . . "> 80%" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for bleachedSand."@en . . . "Extr_edta"@en . _:ub1bL15C9 _:ub1bL16C32 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab542 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab543 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab71 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab72 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab125 . . . "FN2" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for TotalElements."@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Iron"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab868 . . "Aluoxa" . . . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 65" . . . "Slight Some evidence of damage to surface horizons. Original biotic functions largely intact." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab358 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab802 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab803 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab570 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab860 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab861 . "Present weather conditions (Schoeneberger et al., 2002)" . "Dominant"@en . . . . . "Termite or ant channels and nests"@en . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for ExchangeableBases."@en . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab488 . "M" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab753 . "Rounded (spherical)"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1166 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab937 . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab743 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab396 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab501 . "SaSiCl_2-50-2000u-nodisp-spec"@en . "Carpyr" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab884 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab885 . . "Perennial field cropping"@en . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab899 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab900 . "FragmentsVolumetricEstimate"@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab475 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "Code list for structureSizeValue - codelist scheme"@en . . "Code list for mineralConcShapeValue - codelist scheme"@en . "This code list provides the MottlesSizeValue."@en . "XRD" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab913 . "C" . . . . . . . . . "Sum of exchangeable bases (Ca++, Mg++, K+, Na+) as percentage of CEC (method specified with CEC and ExchBases)" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1119 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1120 . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 22,2" . "IP1" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for coatingAbundance."@en . "D" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1199 . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . "Steep"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab432 . "ClayNonCarbonate"@en . . . . . "2cm\u20136cm" . "skos:narrowerTransitive is a transitive superproperty of skos:narrower." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab840 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1142 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1167 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1168 . . . "CaSO4_gy07" . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1044 . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . . . "FM" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab329 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab330 . . . "5"@en . "SaSiCl_2-20-2000u-disp-hydrometer" . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab578 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab579 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab710 . "Code list for ProfileDescriptionStatusValue - codelist class"@en . "WRV500" . "DC2" . "ISRIC Report 2019/01: Tier 1 and Tier 2 data in the context of the federated Global Soil Information System. Appendix 3" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab658 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab659 . "Saturated hydraulic conductivity. Bore hole method" . "This code list provides analysis procedures for vegetationClass."@en . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab952 . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab808 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab809 . . . "Irodit" . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab951 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab21 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab22 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1010 . "D" . . . "2mm\u20135mm" . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab697 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab698 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1051 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1052 . "Code list for HumanInfluenceClassValue - codelist class"@en . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab238 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab239 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab84 . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1010 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1011 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab831 . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab37 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab38 . . . . . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab881 . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1204 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1205 . . . "Guidelines for Soil Description issued by the FAO: table 53" . "Hn" . . . . "SaSiCl_2-64-2000u-nodisp-laser"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab944 _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab945 . . "Saturated hydraulic conductivity." . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for floodFrequency."@en . "rhyolite"@en . . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab1152 . . . "0.75\u20132" . . "CaCO3_ca04"@en . . "skos:related is disjoint with skos:broaderTransitive"@en . . . . "This code list provides analysis procedures for slopeForm."@en . "Procedures for NitrogenTotal - codelist class"@en . . . "Leenaars J.G.B., A.J.M. van Oostrum and M. Ruiperez Gonzalez, 2014. Africa Soil Profiles Database, Version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardised legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). ISRIC Report 2014/01. Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) project and ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, the Netherlands. See Annex 4." . "WaterRetentionGravimetric1500kPa"@en . . _:fd0663f7e79c446a2bb2cc1cc2f84e63ab154 . "WaterRetentionGravimetric6kPa"@en .